Chronic Dry Eyes...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Anyone have any experience with this? I never had problems until recently ( the last six months or so ). It began with a bad eye doctor visit. She got my rx all messed up and I quite wearing my contacts for quite a while and wearing my glasses a lot more.

Now it's to the point where I can hardly wear my contacts. MY brand is being discontinued I'm told, and they put me in some new silicone ones. They feel great for one day, but then they are so bad it feels like sand in my eyes. Plus they're slippery and slimy!

They put me in a pair that is similar to my old ones ( that's I've worn for over 15 years, not the same pair of course) and they were better, but only lasted about three days with constant eye drops.

Even when I don't wear my contacts my eyes get so dry when I put the eye drops in they burn so badly I have to keep them closed for about 5 min. I sleep with "eye goop" in my eyes most of the time, I've tried allergy drops, allergy pills, the systane drops that used to be heaven to my eyes now burn like hot coals...

The eye doctor doesn't seem to care... and I really would love to wear my contacts again...

I'm totally open to suggestions, I know I'll hear get a second opinion, the eye doctor is not covered well on our insurance and I'm trying to get Hailey's doctor bills from her leg paid off before I make more. I cry just fine... in fact I was bawling like a baby watching Toy Story 3 the other day, lol. So I'm at a loss. I'd love to see if anyone has any suggestions to try at home, or things to ask the doctor about when I go in.

I did read that this can be associated with diabetes. After having gall bladder issues I'm on a pretty strict diet, I'm high risk for diabetes but haven't seemed to have any issues I have had in the past with light headed etc. I've actually lost over 10 lbs and feel awesome. I'd have thought the new diet would have helped the eyes if anything... I drink water all the time, with an occasional cup of kool aid ( once every week or two ) and drink plenty of fluids. Dry air probably isn't the cause, the humidity here is so high, I'm sure we've easily had over a foot of rain this spring, and today it was so humid my glasses fogged up when I walked out the front door!

Thanks for any suggestions, because I'm out of ideas!
I have chronic dry eye, if I did not change my diet, the body produces a very thin yellowish jelly like coating over the eyes. My eye doctor, who is very thorough, suggested eating things like more seafood, and nuts to benefit from the natural oils. So far so good, though if I forget for awhile I get dried out again. I don't enjoy seafood that much so he said I could also take fish oil supplements, but it's not as good as the real thing. Hope this helps you out. By the way, I cannot wear contacts at all because of this condition.
No dry mouth...

It seems like even when I put eyedrops and stuff in, they only help for a very little bit, then it's back, like dry skin that you just can't get enough lotion on... but on my eyeball...
Nicole, I have chronic dry eye syndrome. I was diagnosed about 20 years ago. My doctor inserts little tiny plugs in the lower tear ducts.

The way he explains it is this: when you turn the water on, it drains out of the sink very quickly. If you cover the drain with a paper towel, it still drains, but more slowly. It sounded pretty crazy when he first told me about it.

This has been a Godsend for me!!! I am now able to wear my contacts for long periods and my eyes are NEVER irritated. Just the other day, even though allergies are the worst they have ever been this year, somone commented on how white my eyes were!!! Here is a link to the site of the brand that we use. It is very thorough:

I have the long-term ones. They are like teeny tiny golf tees with a hole in the center for the tears to drain. You are numbed before the procedure with a drop of medicine, it lasts only a little bit. The plug is inserted into the tear duct far enough in that you can't see or feel it. The whole process is pain-free, although it sounds scary -- don't worry, it's not.

They usually test you with the dissolvable plugs to see if there is a diference. If it works, you can choose from the ones that are inserted into the tear ducts or, the ones that stick up level with the skin -- as a "picker", I could never have those -- I would be obsessed with touching them.

If you don't have a doctor in NE that can do this, I can recommend my doctor here in Denver -- I've been going to him since 1974. He is involved in research and is always on the cutting edge of what's new. These were pretty radical back in the 80s!!!

ETA: I was cruising their site. There is even a page for you to enter your information and they will find a doctor in your area and have him contact you!!!
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Nicole, congrats on losing the 10lbs and feeling great--that's wonderful!

I am someone who has never been able to wear contacts because they just flat out bother my eyes. No matter what I can feel them and they make my eyes hot and tired and itchy. I am like you and when I do try eye drops they burn, unless it's just plain saline. While I don't have dry eye I do know the have the drug restasis for chronic dry eye. You may want to look into that.