Christmas trees

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So I was perusing the safe wood list to get an idea of things I could entice my Chilli with, and I saw that fir is one of them. You can get some ugly trees right before Chirstmas that would have a ton of wood on them. If I got a fir- douglas/spruce/noble- then I could strip it down and clean and bake it. I could have a whole tree for like 15 bucks.
Am I crazy? We are driving to Oregon for Christmas, nad I am sure we could find a tree there. If I cut it apart then we could just put it in bags and I could finish prepping it when we get home.
CP--in the other thread i suggested ordering some samples from Barbie at PPBN. I really think that would be your best bet. try a couple different varieties of wood, as well as different cuts (thin twigs, wafers, etc..). because if chili doesnt like the fir than not only did you waste the 15 bux, but you wasted all the time it took to prep.
not to mention what laura already said about not knowing the origin of the wood.
i would stick with someone here who knows how to prepare it and you can get a small variety for a low price and let chili decide what he likes.
I'm thinking fir and other evergreens are not safe...I could be wrong...hey, it's happened. :)
I agree with LL though, don't the Christmas tree farms fertilize? or is is possible? or would you know? or even if you asked, would they just want to sell you that last darned Charlie Brown tree and tell you whatever they thought you wanted to hear. My brother used to go from OR to CA each year to sell Christmas trees in a lot and I'm pretty sure he didn't know tiddly squat about how the trees were grown.
Okay, I'm here...the salesman in me cannot keep quiet any longer :) (believe me I've tried)
We have great sales this month on different sizes of mixed sticks. I see that you're looking for "wafers" in another thread and trying to find woods that you can entice Chilie to chew woods with and we have a 1/4 pound of what we call "ChewStrings" for $9...that's like well over 250 pieces of wood. You cannot go wrong with this deal. There is a variety of like 9 different woods in there. They are teeny tiny little crunchy little cute branches, all carefully cleaned and prepared. WE GIVE THEM TO OUR CHINS! Not only that, but they are a HUGE seller. We have always got such great sales going on (I know this is not a classified listing ;) ) but there is such a selection to choose from at such fabulous prices. Chili is bound to find something Chili just cannot live without. We also have scrap paks. Our 4 chins are PICKY!!! They have all the wood chins could ever want and they only want certain things...certain woods, certain sizes, certain cuts. Let us hook ya up. Girl, let's talk...
i know from other threads that chili has some tooth problems and is not all that keen on chewing, so i am pretty sure that his mom is looking to try whatever she can to entice him chew.
maybe you can come up with a special sample pack for her. i have 6 other chins that if richie doesnt like something I can always try on them, but she only has chili (i think) so i know she is trying the most economical way to try new things.
(sorry for speaking for you CP!!) lol
Thanks Michelle. I did not know that :)

Chili's Mom...please PM me. We can surely come up with some great enticements for your little guy. We are (she said modestly) about the easiest people in the world to work with. We can do thin slices for you too in a variety of woods if you like...Anything you want for the price of a left-over questionable Christmas Tree ;) Okie Dokie?
I think the problem with just using a christmas tree would be all the sap. The stuff you buy in the stores, pine or fir is kiln dried, which completely dries it out and removes the sap. Just baking in the oven is not going to get rid of all the sap.
Thanks guys- I will send a PM to PPBN.
I think all the stress of everything between my dad being sick and caring for the pill is getting to me, lol.
No, it was a good idea, and it's good to discuss ideas on the forum, lots of people read these threads and now have learned something. Now a person could check with their local US Forest Service Dept. You can get a Christmas tree permit, and/or a woodcutting permit really cheap, like $5. I doubt these trees have been treated with anything, they are way out in the woods, definitely ask someone though. BTW they give you a map to show where you are allowed to cut. You would need to do your homework and make sure you get safe wood, and thoroughly boil and bake it. But you could have a fun adventure, make memories and while you are out there get a tree for your holiday as well.
Okay Liz...take a deep breath...(don't hold it too long) I got your pm. I have several orders I need to pack to get out today, but I promise, we'll come up with something for your little Chili...and like you said, anything Chili won't chew, Pepper will so no waste:) It'll all work out. It's 2 days before Thanksgiving, let some of your cares melt away and be thankful you have your Dad and your "pill" to worry about.
Big HUGS...I'll pm you back in a couple of hours.