Christmas Presents for my chins

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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So i'm not sure if this is the right category to post this in...

Anyway, I was wanting to make some home made chew sticks for my chinchillas. Like the ones they sell at the pet stores with all the nuts and fruit, and tons of awful sugar... I think I have seen some posts on here a long time ago on how to make your own that are more chinchilla friendly... but I tried a forum search and turned up nothing.

Does anyone have a recipie or a link to one? Or is there no such thing as homemade treats that are ok?

Any other suggestions of what I could treat my boys to on Christmas?

I was looking at the recipie and it said "Pumpkin". Now, forgive my ignorance on this but does this mean like a pumpkin pumpkin that I take the in inside out of? or something else...?:hmm: