Christmas for the chins

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys!

My mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas and nothing really stood out to me. I have decided that all of my gifts this year for me, will be for the boys. Tubes, fleece liners, toys, ledges, etc.

So if you have a website that I can browse and give to my mom, let me know! :)
Haha sounds like what I do! For my birthday this year I got a flying saucer for 2 of the girls.

Obviously there's my website, which is in my signature. This year I'll put up a gift certificate, for different amounts, which is a great gift idea if they don't know exactly what you want. Or like always I'll have my Christmas baskets too when we get closer to the holidays, which this year I'll also put on my site.

Probably the gift certificates I'll get put up sooner than later because they work well for birthdays too.
Good ideas Britteny and Alli! I usually ask for cash so I can spoil my fur-kids too! I told Scott the other day, I just love buying chinchilla and bunny stuff more than buying myself!
That's what I do too, my Mom loves buying gifts for her 'grandkids' at holidays.

If you want to get something customized for the boys I make fleece houses: :).
When the gift giving season gets closer, a lot of member-owned stores have Holiday packages, baskets, Holiday-themed toys and treats, and much more.

So just hang on tight and try not to buy too many items now, because there'll be more holiday cute stuff on the market soon! Last year, I stocked up a bit too early and didn't have much room for the holiday baskets/packages, but this year I'm waiting for it! :D hehe