Chins wont finish chew toys?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
Whenever I give my chins a apple wood coin,(or any large "hard-to finish-in-one-day" chew toy) they'll chew on it for a night and then get bored with it. If I offer them a new one they'll take it and do the same routine, but if I offer them an older unfinished one they scoff at it... I'm sure this is normal, but why do they do this? There's a pile of unfinished wood blocks stacking up in their cage...I dont want it to go to waste! Anything I can do?
Yes, I've noticed they do that with their sticks, but they'll even go back to those and chew them up. The coins still have 85% bark left on them...They look mostly chewed around the edges. Maybe it's too thick for their liking?
Could be just picky chins! Lol :p
My girls occasionally use to be picky.... But they arnt any more with four chins every thing gets eaten :p
Yep, I like to take hanging toys and chew chunks from one cage and put them in the other cage. They turn into brand new exciting toys, for about a day. I also put out sticks that have been mostly debarked during playtime. I have a huge box of chewed sticks, someday I'll find a use for them.
I have a metal baking tray I use to use for dust baths but now it's the toy box and is full of all the 'unwanted' stuff that they rummage through during play time... Some times items go missing and I find them across the room lol
Is it possible its getting pee on it? My girl wont even finish bark if her stick falls in the pee area, Ive even tried washing. It doesnt even have to have pee stains or smell to me, she can tell. =x
My chin will chew all the bark off the apple sticks, try to shmooze for another one, and usually if I don't give in he'll eventually chew the bark-less one a little bit more. He never finishes the sticks though.

Funny thing is he chews them into a somewhat pointed end (not sharp just that type of shape) and my family always jokes that he's carving a shank to attack me with in the night!