chins nose bleeding and cant breath!!!!help please

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New member
Oct 7, 2013
last night I noticed my chinchilla was making funny noises breathing weird I just checked up on him today and he looked weaker now I noticed that his nose is bleeding along with discharge he is also just a little bit bloated im sooooooooooooooooo worried I called all the vets and none of them treat chinchillas in,my area is there anything I can do I do not want him to suffer please help me help my chin!!! Is he gonna die :(
Vet! NOW!!! Hopefully you won't read this post until after taking your chin to vet. There is nothing anyone can tell/do for your baby over the internet.Vet visit is definitely needed and ASAP,not later today.....
I,live in San Leandro Bay Area ive been up all night calling n reserching watching my poor baby so for all that's either told me that they can treat exotic animals or all they can do is do a routine checkup and not treat him which is stupid to me because I don't want to stress him out for the trip if he's not even going to be cured please help if you know any area that does treat chinchillas can you please let me know.......... he shaking a little weaker today I don't think he's going to make it :(

Has anyone ever, heard of this I mean this randomly happened he was healthy 2 days ago
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It almost sounds like he fell and hit his face? The only advice we can offer here is to get him to a vet ASAP. This vet is highly recommended by more than one chinchilla owner and doesn't appear to be too far from you:
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I finallyfound a,vet takin,him in a few mins i hope my baby feels,better soon at first o thought he hit his,head but the PUss is a huge concern
I took him to the vet and found out he has pneumonia unfortunately the treatment is out of my price range due to,funeral costs for my family i am keeping,a humidifyer and eucalyptus oil by him and keeping him warm he is it going to make it without antibiotics im hopeing he will, pull through by some miracle but in the meantime the most I could do is keep him comfortable untill .....well u kno
Contact some of the folks that have rescues.Surrendering him to a rescue would mean he would get the medical care that he needs.Sometimes we have to make hard decisions,but must make them in et's best interest.If you can't afford medical care,apply for care credit card,talk to vet about payment plan then you should do what would be best for him(medical care) and not let him suffer from the horrible struggle to breath with the URI.Just imagine a never ending asthma attack or ,beter still get a coffee stir stick and use it for your breathing for five minutes. That will give you an idea of what your chin is going through.