Chins getting along?

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Active member
Dec 24, 2009
Ontario, Canada
My chins have been getting along really well. We have put them in the same cage for two days (completely supervised) and they are cuddling and grooming eachother and snuggling, its adorable. Anyway I was just wondering how long I should let this go on superized, and when I can leave them together over night?
I always recommend that people leave the chins together overnight for the first time on a weekend. That way, you're likely to be close "just in case."

It sounds as though they are getting along great. I would just want to be somewhere nearby for that first all nighter.
Thanks! It will work out okay because my chins live in my bedroom, ao I will always be close!
I am soo excited, my first 3 chins were all adopted and two of them hate everything! My other chin lived with other chins before I got her, and she has always been kinda sad because my other two just refuse to be nice! Anyway, I get my new chin a while ago and they are getting along great and Sapphire (the lonely one) is popcorning and just looks sooo happy :)

Sorry for ranting!, I am just sooooo excited :)