Chins favorite sleeping spot

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Okay, I can't make it an actually poll because alot of us have more than one chin.

So what is your chin's favorite sleeping place.

In chinny-chins cage I have a hammock, a fleece tube, and a wood hut and he loves the wood hut to sleep.

Angel Noel and Bo all sleep in the fleece tube. [and they have other sleep items also].
Underneath his flying saucer. Most days I come out and find him stretched out under it. Or cuddled up with his bunny buddy.
Now that I've switched cages around and rearranged...

The girls love smushing into the top left corner of their cage to sleep. I've got a pic, I'll have to upload.

The boys move around. They each like the tube, but they'll also sleep on their shelves, or just crash in the bedding. Yesterday, Kiwi was sleeping alongside Cuda at the food dish haha. We also haven't put their hanging items back in yet, so sleep spots could very well change in the next day or so! And who knows what little Noon is gonna like when she gets here...
Hathor loves to sleep in the corner fleece house and Anubis likes to sleep behind the corner fleece house and a ledge between the house and side of the cage. I think she thinks we can't see her there :p
With my chins, the preference order seems to be fleece tube, chiller, wood ledge. One of them really likes the peg at the upper corner of her cage, and sleeps smooshed up there almost as much as she does in her tube.
Bryson usually likes to sleep at the bottom of the cage snuggled up with his raccoon. Ande likes to either sleep sprawled out in the fleece tube, or his head hanging off the side of a shelf, or on his little box bed. Sometimes Bryson will join him on the bed since there is a sun spot there, but it's very rare.
Well Dixie and her babys like to sleep on the very top shelf of their cage. Bop liked to sleep in the hammock but I had to take it out because they had chewed it up.
He used to sleep in any random place in the open (in the cage)
But I recently bought a big wooden hut and put his chinchiller inside of it. He LOVES it. Most times he is sleeping in there, with his head hung out the window. <3
He is sleeping like that right now, so I had to take a picture :p

It's dark so I had to bring up the exposure