Chins at auction

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I was at my dad's animal auction this morning helping for a while, and there were SEVERAL chins there. On person brought in a large ferret super pet cage, all nasty and covered with hardware cloth with a malo std male and a pregnant bg female in it, another big cage with an adult beige female, and then four small carriers with a beige male- 3 months, std male- 6months, std female 6 months, and an ebony female, 1 yr. The eb was small and I'm sure these were mostly all offspring of the malo pair.

Another pair was there kind of the same deal nasty cage, and chewers, again a breeding pair, female supposedly bred.

There was one other, a beige from girl who got a pair from me a year or two ago and cares for her animals properly.

But all of these chins went so cheap, it made me so sad, some of them sold for $12.50... Obviously the two pairs needed new owners, but who says that the new owners weren't going to be in the same condition?

It was a very saddening day, I did some education and deterred some potential buyers ( don't tell my dad that, lol )