Chins and Vitamin C Chewables

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2009
I was doing some research online about chins and their diets. I came across one site that mentioned they give their chins one 500mg Vit C chewable tablet a week.

Vitamin C will help in keeping back teeth straight and in the general health of a chinchilla. It's a vitamin that you cannot guarantee will last long enough in the food and hay, so we think it is best to supply it at least once a week to ensure that the chins are getting enough.

Have you heard about this? Do you happen to do this?

I actually give my dental chin, Rayna, Oxbow vitamin C tabs. She was diagnosed with dental disease and malo before a year of age and needed to go in for filings of the points on her molars. I only give her one 50 mg tab a few times a week. So far, her roots have not elongated nor has she developed any teeth points lately. Vitamin C is supposed to help strengthen connective tissue such as the gums... and it is a water soluble vitamin so anything not used by her body will be excreted.

I also give rosehips to all my chins a few times a week as a treat - they are also a rich source of vitamin C.
I used to give it out, it is good for the chins. I'd give out half a tablet instead of a treat once a week. Now I get my food very fresh so I know they are getting enough vitamin C in their food...since it's about three weeks old!

If you are feeding food from a petstore, I would give it out once a week just in case... :)
I am new to guinea pigs and I do give my piggie a Vit. C tablet a couple times a week.

For the chinnies, though, I just give them rosehips as treats. Maybe a dental chin would need more Vit. C and need to be supplemented with tablets but I think, though I have no research data to back me up, rosehips on occasion is enough.
I have given my chins 250mg 3 x a wk of the chewable vit c for about 10 years. I was told many years ago that it is good for the teeth and gums. They think it is a treat and I don't tell them otherwise
Do you buy a particular brand, or is any chewable vitamin C from the grocery store ok? I'm just wondering what's the safest/ most cost effective?
Ive been wondering about this, and have found some very informative answers in this post..Thanks Everyone! The only question I have remaining is this: Is there any vitamin C tablets that are not orange flavored and can chins tolerate the orange flavored Vitamin C tablets? I have a dental chin, who has no problems with her roots, as of now, but she does have to go in for points on her molars.
most are orange flavor for some reason. I buy a big bottle of 500mg from Sams and cut them in half /quarters (depending on the age of the chin)