Chins and other pets?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was just wondering if anyone ever introduced their chins to a cat or dog? My poodle and American Eskimo love to watch my chins, and try to lick them through the bars, although sometimes the chins hop towards the dog and scare them. The chins often tease the dogs, running up to the edge of the cage, sniffing at them and then running away. They repeat it several times.All of the cats are banned from the rooms where the chins are, except my cat Raven who sleeps with me. She has never shown any interest in my chins and ignores them, or she would not be allowed in my room. I wouldn't put my chins in such danger.
In most cases, it is not advised to let cats or dogs around your chin. One scratch from a claw, even in play, could mean the death of your chin. That being said, my chin is housed in my unused dining room - it is the bird and chin room - and she has a playpen attached to her cage so she can come in and out of her cage at will and be in a confined and safe area. My 2 dogs and 2 cats can come up to the pen to see her, but in the almost 3 years I've had my chin, they've never shown any interest in her. Her sudden movements keep the cats completely away. I had a hamster who got loose a couple of times and I found him because of my cats. They would just sit there and watch him, and never attacked him! I guess they are well fed and very lazy! My chihuahua, though, is fascinated with her, and she will run up and down the length of the pen with my chin inside, and they will "play" with eachother.

My arrangement works well in my house, but for complete safety of your chins, it is best to keep any predator animal far away...
Only issues are a. Safety, dogs some times don't know what the dif between 'toy' and chin is or 'food' and chin.
B. dogs carry a variety of bacteria and can easily get a chin sick (Esily from saliva)
My dog would try to kill my girls, or he use to want to... I tink he's to lazy to try now, they have hoped out of the room briefly right I front of him and he just looked confused. My girls also use to tease him, years ago he woul press his nose to the mesh and try to get through it, the girls would come up and go as far as to touch his nose with thier paw and bounce away while he went crazy.
No other animals allowed in the chin room.
My girls actually seem more disturbed by my cat and start barking when she sneaks in, with the exception of one girl who tries to fight her lol.
Either way the potential to either stress out the chins, make them sick, or for them to get injured is way to great. I would not attempt to introduce them
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My dog is a small terrier with a very high prey drive. Even when she is behaving around them, I won't let her close enough that she could nip, because she would. Maybe I am a little jaded by a lot of horror stories, but I won't let my cats or dog interact with the small pets. There's always the one time they decide to see if the chin or rats are a squeaky toy.
I don't let any of our other animals around the chin for safety reasons. Once our dog got downstairs while I had the chin out, and the chin tried to get at our dog while she was walking up the stairs. Luckily I was walking behind her so the chin didn't get any where near her, but it did scare me.

Then whenever my cat comes downstairs to eat, since one of her food bowls are down here, she has Chay staring her down the whole time since the cat is eatting at her favorite "lookout" spot. The poor cat doesn't know what to think about the strange creature staring at her!

She doesn't like my hamster either. I came downstairs carrying my hamster and without thinking, went to go pet the chin with my other hand. I guess she didn't like the smell of the hamster on my hand becuase she got very territorial, then my hamster got scared and went into a submittion stance!

I never let them naer each other for safety reasons, but sometimes they manage to open the door since it doesn't close right with there paw. I'm always in the room so I can shoo them out right away!
I only "introduced" my chin to my cat as a respect to my cat. Hes never been in direct contact with him though and Ernie definitely has made sure of that. Because Ernie is so aggressive to him my cat has lost interest. Right now my cat lost his voice so he is not allowed in my room AT ALL incase he is sick.

Thats another big reason I know most animals carry harmful sickness if they get in contact like that.