chins and compaction??

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Can you guys please give me a little insight of what all may give chins digestive problems as far as compaction goes???? Very concerned about this...had set up a cardboard box for the boys and was informed it could compact them if they eat it...well how f
do you know??? And I hear my boys nibbling at it so should I just put it up?? This just makes me very nervous of what they are suppose to chew on and wh:help:at they can't..
I think the fear with chins and cardboard is impaction, which simply refers to a blockage in the digestive tract. My understanding is that it's safe for them to chew as long as they are not swallowing it--as is the case with most things. It seems that many members here use cardboard setups as part of playtime, I think you need to monitor your chins very carefully to make sure they aren't swallowing the bits that they're chewing up, and if they do look like they're ingesting it, remove the cardboard.
You would see the shredded cardboard on the floor. My male chin chewed his cardboard tube but I always saw the cardboard shredded on the ground. If it's not there... then you may want to remove the cardboard.
I agree with the post above. Some chins chew and drop pieces and other eat them. If yours drops them you are fine but if he is eating the parts it can cause blockages and death. Its better safe than sorry. Wood is cheep and easy to use in cages and as toys.