Chinny can't walk

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Aug 15, 2014
A week ago my little chin was running around and when it was time to put her away we did the usual chase routine. She was under the couch and my boyfriend picked up the end of it and she was on the opposite end being pinned to the ground. I picked her up immediately and she seemed stunned she only barked a little bit and then seemed almost normal. I put her in her cage (while calling every emergency vet as it was 2 am) she was able to jump to the second level, she took treats from my hand, and she jumped down to the bottom all without looking in pain she was just kinda stiff. She was able to walk around even though she looked funny she could still move. Then Sunday I think she tried running on her flying saucer wheel and reinjured herself. After that she seems unable to stand, and she really cannot walk at all, when she does try she's very off balance it's heartbreaking to watch. I took her to the vet immediately once she got worse and the doc didn't seem too concerned he gave her a shot of prednisone and now I just take her out twice a day to hold the water bottle and force her to drink and she won't eat chin food but she's been eating oats raisins and shredded wheat. I took her back to the vet today (friday) she got another shot and he said absolutely nothing is broken. He said to give her 5cc blue gatoraid 2x a day and if she's not better in 5 days then she will get an xray. So my question is: if nothing is broken why can't she walk? She also has a little bit of a runny nose but it's not that bad. So if anyone has any advice or been in a similar situation please help! Also if anyone is familier with this type of injury and knows about how long until she should be walking? I'm trying to avoid the stress of an xray but if I need to I will do anything. She's 2 1/2 year old white/mosaic-ish cutie pie!


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Is this vet an exotic specialist? How does he know she has no issues if there were no x-rays performed?

Where are you located? Maybe folks can help you locate another vet for a second opinion.
First, with chinchillas is just plain and simple not entirely possible to tell if there's something broken w/o x-rays. Second, get a different vet, the one you're using is an idiot. Third, you'll be lucky if your chinchilla doesn't bloat or go into stasis because a diet of what you're feeding in replacement of food the chinchilla is not eating will cause that and can cause death...not eating means you need to handfeed...period. You need critical care for handfeeding...I wouldn't be giving Gatorade either...finally, a runny nose is not could suggest that due to injury your chinchillas immune system was compromised and now your chin is sick. GET YOUR CHIN TO AN EXPERIENCED VET NOW.
Is this vet an exotic specialist? How does he know she has no issues if there were no x-rays performed?

Where are you located? Maybe folks can help you locate another vet for a second opinion.

I'm located in west palm beach FL. and he is an exotic pet vet but I'm thinking I need to take her somewhere else maybe.. She has been eating a little bit of her chin food sorry I forgot to write that in my post and I give her the same amount of treat food I would give her normally so it's not a huge amount since I have seen her eat a little of her regular food. As far as the Gatorade goes I researched it and asked some of my knowledgable contacts and it's a normal thing as long as it's not too much for the animal.
Gatorade is okay, sometimes, but I don't personally use it. As for the treats, raisins are poisonous to even a little poison...when you're not eating your normal amount of regular food has an amplified effect. It's like drinking alcohol when you haven't get drunk quicker...same concept.
I don't have any critical care and no one sells it near me just online. I'm bringing her to a different vet Monday (everything's closed tomorrow or I'd bring her then) I crushed her chin food into a powder and mixed with water and fed her 6 ml she took it really good. Any other advise I can use till Monday is appreciated!
I had to bring her to the vet as an emergency on Sunday, LUCKILY one right down the street from me was willing to come in for a new patient emergency. She's got antibiotics, pain meds, carafate to line her tummy so she doesn't get ulcers, and critical care. She can't move or walk so she just lays in one spot but her appetite keeps increasing and she doesn't seem to be getting worse so I'm hoping she can pull through she's a fighter!
Not really- she's still the same, laying on her side 24/7. I switch her from side to side throughout the day and have her out a lot feeding her. She chews on chew sticks and I give her some pellet food to eat when I feed her critical care and she eats it very well. We started keeping her out of her cage more so we put her on a towel and have her lay on the bed or couch next to us a lot. Just trying anything at this point. We are also trying to take care of her fur by fluffing it with dust. Does anyone know what I should do about some of the critical care dribbles out of her mouth and has formed into a hard crusty thing under her mouth. I wipe it down after every feeding and try to comb it out but I don't want to hurt her so any suggestions?
No Xray.. She was able to move she jumped, walked, and ran on her wheel which I think is what hurt her worse. The not being able to move thing has been going on almost a week but for the week before that she could move ok. I brought her to the absolute best vet for exotics in my area.
If it were my chin Id be calling around to vets insisting someone x-ray her. The longer she's not treated if something IS broken... well, it's not good. It may partially set itself wrong or a bunch of other issues.
Also, I'd take her wheel out now, if you haven't. Even if she isn't moving now, I'd do it before she's on the mend and hurts herself trying.
She also may be more comfortable in her cage- like how people do better at home than in a hospital. I'm not experienced with anything like this, but knowing my chin having him on the couch would be way more for me than him. His cage is his safe area.
She may've been injured, and worsened it to the breaking point with the wheel. SO, even if it wasn't broke to the point of not moving to BEGIN may be now (after using the wheel while injured). She needs an mentioned, no amount of meds or handfeeding is going to help if her back is broken or it's something may just be prolonging a miserable, short, life. No way of knowing w/o an x-ray