Chinchillas, feature on Bob and Tom show

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Oct 24, 2009
Seward, Alaska
Topic of the day on Bob and Tom show, one of the speakers (Kristi) lost her chinchilla in the garage this morning.

They had facts about them like Martha Stewart has 15, and that they have 30x softer fur than humans. (of course mentioning fur coats and looking out for tire treads)

Bob mentioned cold and damp/wetness is bad for them, and that is why they are so concerned for it, sending two crew workers to help find it.

Was very hilarious talking about how to sex a chin (pair of gloves and buy them dinner).

I don't know how many of you know of the Bob and Tom show, (I never knew it was on TV till just a few mintues ago) but I have listened to it on the way to work on radio.

Just thought it would be amusing for some of you to know.
I use to listen to Bob and Tom every morning, but now I am at work before they even come on the air. :( I didn't know that Kristi had a chin. I hope they were able to find it safe and sound.