Chinchillas and Hay - What's your Favorite?

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Oct 8, 2012
We just added a sweet chinchilla to our animal menagerie (he needed a new home and my kids just fell for him - and me too) anyway - I've been trying to learn as much as I can about these dear beings and I'm trying to figure out the hay thing.

Do you feed your chinchillas hay?

If so what kind is best?

Do you have a favorite source?

Thanks in Advance!
I feed my chins 2nd cut timothy hay. I also give alfalfa to pregnant, nursing and recuperating mommas or chinchillas that need a boost for any reason. I also supply hay cubes to all of my chins.
I use Oxbow Hay which I can get at some local pet stores. Some stores also do the hay program (buy 10 get one free). I went to a Petstuff yesterday that had it. I think it's the best but then I'm biased. :p I give unlimited Timothy Hay and then a bunch of alfalfa or oat hay (whatever I have at the time) once a week or so.
I do "sweet meadow"


and oxbox

its very odd I would think chin would like greener hay but she really prefers the sweet meadow hay thats browner
I myself love the smell of Timothy and pick up bales at the feed store. Chins also like oat, bermuda grass, bahia grass, alfalfa and grass mixes. Depending on where you are in the U.S. you may have better access to different types. I would use Oat hay if they sold it here.
They love all those listed above, I'd just like to add that you should stay away from the bales you see in pet stores with "fruit flavors" or treats intermixed. Get pure hay (it can be a mix of different hays) but there should not be any add-ins.

P.S. I am sure you all can relate, but because my chins love their hay so much, when I smell a fresh bale of Timothy hay, I think "MMMMM"...maybe I am living vicariously through them :p
Lately I've been finding extremely fresh 90oz bags of Oxbow Timothy. It's comparable in price to Kleenmama's, once I factor in shipping charges for the later. My babies aren't picky at all, so my favorite hay is whichever type Lady will eat during any given month :thumbsup:

This is fantastic info you guys - so helpful!

Sounds like I should definitely be on the lookout for Timothy Hay - and quite a few suggested a few other ideas.

THANK YOU for the forewarning about mixed treats and hay and such - I saw this at the pet store and was curious - and you just verified my opinion on that issue.

The help is so much appreciated. I know these guys are so special and delicate and we are just enjoying everything about him and want to do the best by him and all this first hand info is SO helpful in meeting all these goals!
Free Sample?

Hi Again,

I've been online searching out the brands of Timothy Hay you mentioned (Kleenmamas seeming to be the most popular) and I came across this website. offering free samples of their Timothy Hay. Is it bad for my Chin to try some different kinds of hay/brands of Timothy Hay?

I know it's not really a good idea to change a dog's food too quickly for example - is this an issue for chinchillas?

Not to be a meanie or anything but our new little cutie was a surprise so I'm hoping to find the best deal possible - but that includes finding a type of hay he actually likes too as I see so many different options - and so many different chin personalities. Plus of course, he came with some hay but it's just a bit - and no one can tell me what kind/brand it is anyway (plus it's not nice and green and fresh looking like all the Timothy Hay I've been seeing)

Again, TIA for any help you can give :)
We just got a sample of Small Pet Select's timothy hay and our chinchillas both liked it.

There is nothing wrong with trying different hay brands. You only need to be concerned about switching their food.
Awesome - THANKS Chinmama!! I'll go ahead and get that sample and see what they like! I really appreciate all the help here :thumbsup:
I recently got a nice bale of orchard grass from one of our local feed stores, next time I need hay I'll probably go for Timothy again if I can find it, but I am dealing with some picky eaters that literally get bored with their hay and stop eating it so I get whatever looks nicest no matter what variety it is as long as it's not alfalfa.
i buy 50lbs of oxbow timothy, 9 lbs of oxbow alfalfa and usually a small bag of either oxbow orchard grass or oxbow botanical and sometimes the oxbow oat grass.
i did run out about a week or so ago and had to go to petsmart to get a small bag before my delivery came in and i got a small bag of i think zupreem. they didnt hate it but when the oxbow came there was def much less waste.
I buy APD 5lb box of 1st cut Timmy as their staple hay, and assorted 10oz bags from oxbow and APD, meadow hay, orchard grass, mountain grass and 2nd cut Timothy for variety.
That's great to know about the Zupreem mishellyshel - that's what he was sent with and he doesn't seem keen on it! Awaiting that Small Pet Select sample so I can see and looking for some orchard grass and meadow hay for variety too Gumby and Elmo - I read that was helpful somewhere else too :) .

Sounds though like the most important thing is discovering what your dear, sweet, unique chin likes!!

Boy is he a happy chin! He LOVES the apple wood we got him and the sample of Timothy Hay arrived from and he was overjoyed - ate it all up and he hasn't done that yet. He got some orchard grass too and really has had a blast with all these. So much happier than when eating the commercial blah hay he came with. and the apple wood treats - boy!! Thanks so much for the help and recommendations folks :thumbsup: