Chinchilla wont eat, is very lathargic and has diarrhea. Vets dont know what to do??

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New member
Apr 4, 2011
I have a fairly new chinchilla at home with a cage mate he has been very active with the other and loves when it comes time for treats. This morning while cleaning his cage he hardly moved, we took him out of the cage and he did nothing but lay around. We tried to feed him something and he wouldn't take it. Noow he is in the corner of the cage hunched up in the corner. He is the most active of the two always running and jumping around. He shows signs of entiritis (diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite) which i'm very worried about

He has very good eating habits we feed him mazuri chinchilla pellets, always have fresh water and hay available and his treats only consist of an ocasional cherrio, shredded wheat, or a few old fashioned oats

We have had chinchillas in the past and had to take one of our chinchillas twice to the vet. Not only were they very rough with the animal which probably stressed her out a lot more they didn't know ANYTHING. The vets said they knew very little about exotic animals and sent us away with basically nothing. We have been talking to breeders and they say the same thing that the vets dont know anything. What can we do until we can get some help from a breeder?
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First of all, you need to find a vet. Breeders can not prescribe medications, which is what a chin experiencing stasis needs. There are some ok vets out there, it's just a matter of finding them. Some will consult with other vets to make sure they are making the correct diagnosis, treatment, etc.

A chinchilla not eating needs to be handfed. Critical Care is the most popular diet replacer used when a chin is not eating. You can also get this from some veteranrians, menagerie on here sells it as well. Until then, you can mash up pellets and mix with water to a paste/liquid consistency and syringe it to him.

The vet also needs to get to the bottom of what brought on all the symptoms. Once they reach the lethargic point it becomes very serious and treatment is needed asap. Since you mention he has diarrhea, he is probably dehydrated and Sub-Q fluids are needed.

Is he still having the diarrhea, or is he just not pooping at all anymore?
I'm not sure if the diarrhea has stopped or not. I've called a couple vets they are trying to find someone for me that knows a little about exotic pets. Thanks for all your help
yes definitely post your location, just city & state and i am sure someone can direct you to a competent vet.
My poor little guy didn't make it. The only exotic vet around literally refused to see him until 2:30 when I called at 8:30 AM(even when I stated he would die before then). We put him into other care and gave him fluids, cc, and other treatments but after a few hours he passed

<3 he will always be in our heart and we miss him very much <3