I recently rehomed a 6 year old chinchilla, she loves her play time and she's starting to look a lot better since I upgraded her cage to a ferret nation(previously in a small rabbit cage with only a log house. She has a bunch of toys and gets a good amount of excercise. Iv had her for about 3 months now
Also concerned about possible bloat, she loves hiding under the hammock I made, but I'm not sure if she's just trying to get comfy or her stomach hurts. She's been lying down and she squishes herself against the floor when she's under the hammock. She started hiding there since her behaviour changed towards me.
Recently her behaviour has changed towards me suddenly, she loved her neck rubs but now hardly lets me touch her before she pushes me away or jumps back. She use to like me most out of everyone in my family. She has no problem with my parents. Her poop seems to keep changing as well, she has oxbow pellets with timothy hay in her cage, and I change the water every other day. They range from small little drops to long and sometime I find a oval/pointed one. She is eating and drinking fine as well but does not seem to want to play when in her cage. Any tips on getting her poop back to normal? She enjoys timothy cubes more than loose grass.
Any tips on keeping her healthy and happy? I live on an island in Canada, there is very little supplies I can get my hands on here such as medicines or anything for chinchillas other than some toys.
I looked her over for any outer indictions for problems and she seems fine, and happy when she's out of her cage. Sorry for the huge post but justcparanoid and concerned for my new first chin.
Also concerned about possible bloat, she loves hiding under the hammock I made, but I'm not sure if she's just trying to get comfy or her stomach hurts. She's been lying down and she squishes herself against the floor when she's under the hammock. She started hiding there since her behaviour changed towards me.
Recently her behaviour has changed towards me suddenly, she loved her neck rubs but now hardly lets me touch her before she pushes me away or jumps back. She use to like me most out of everyone in my family. She has no problem with my parents. Her poop seems to keep changing as well, she has oxbow pellets with timothy hay in her cage, and I change the water every other day. They range from small little drops to long and sometime I find a oval/pointed one. She is eating and drinking fine as well but does not seem to want to play when in her cage. Any tips on getting her poop back to normal? She enjoys timothy cubes more than loose grass.
Any tips on keeping her healthy and happy? I live on an island in Canada, there is very little supplies I can get my hands on here such as medicines or anything for chinchillas other than some toys.
I looked her over for any outer indictions for problems and she seems fine, and happy when she's out of her cage. Sorry for the huge post but justcparanoid and concerned for my new first chin.