That's how she got the idea...popcorn shrimp...popcorning kits yum
Oh and don't worry...there will still be practical jokes from certain staff members I bet
The little buhbuh chinnies are delicious. I have a little group of triplets that are just mouthwatering! And, one screams SQUEEEEEEE!! hehehehe
Seriously, those little kits are overly adorable. I don't know how I am ever going to let anyone go to a new home. If you want to know what it is like to be me, just think about what it would be like to have 250 of the cutest, most precious little creatures ever to be born right there 24 hours a day. hehehehe Oh man, I love chinchillas a little too much!
Looks pretty good, but you know, here in the south - a little salt, a little pepper, a little barbeque sauce, turn 'em once or twice. Now that's good eatin'!!:hilarious: