chinchilla making unusual noises and acting tired

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New member
Feb 28, 2012
my chinchilla has recently started making weird noises, I tried looking them up online but I could not fine any that sounded like it (im waiting for him to start making them again to post a video of it) hes also been very lethergic and is not trying to run from my grasp as much as normal (normally he hates being caught but is perfectly fine once you are holding him)

the noise is kinda of like crying (not loud screaches like someone actually sobbing in a high pitched voice) hes recently started eating shavings and 40% of his chew toy which he has had since i first got him in march has disappeared in the last week.

hes still eating, pooping (no discoloration) and drinking ok. im not sure about urinating. and he did have some red on his shavings last week. ive checked for hair rings and he has none. there are no more red shaving in the cage as he proceded to eat them when ever i wasnt looking.

a possible reason for the red could be that I was away for a week and he ran out of hay while i was gone (he leaves a bit at the bottom of his hay tray so the care taker could not have known he was out).

im worried about him
You say he's lethargic...that's worrisome.

What kind of water do you give him?

Red on the shavings could be blood. Have you checked his paws over to make sure they aren't cracked or anything? That tends to happen in dry winter weather.
You say he's lethargic...that's worrisome.

What kind of water do you give him?

Red on the shavings could be blood. Have you checked his paws over to make sure they aren't cracked or anything? That tends to happen in dry winter weather.

i give him the same water i drink out of a 10L container of bottled water in my dorm room (im in one of the few universcitys that let you have pets)

I havent checked his paws yet im not sure what cracked paws look like (ill google image search it, check it and get back to you)

also when he makes the crying noise he sits still not moving in a position that reminds me of when hes trying to urinate (this is 80% of the time although i have heard him do it while sleeping in his log house)
his paws are not cracked and look very healthy. when I put him back down into his cage from being held he made the noises again, unfortualty i pressed the wrong button and didnt record it.
Chin needs a vet asap IMO, my gut is telling me he may have either a urinary tract infection or bladder stone situation, the sound you describe is whimpering from pain and he is crying when trying to urinate from your description.
I'm with Dawn. Get him to a vet now. Find a 24 hour emergency clinic with exotic experience. What you are describing sounds very much like a urinary tract problem and needs immediate attention from a competent vet.