Chinchilla limping

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Southern California
Hi so my chinchilla cut her leg on wednesday at about 1 am. The vet cleared her for breaks and sent us home with some antibiotics and anti immflamiroty. She is running around more now but she puts very little pressure on the leg and limps around mostly. Is there anyway i can help her stop limping?
If you have any concerns then consult your vet asap. You cannot stop your chin limping and this is probably indicating pain.
I did ask the vet, they said she may have the limp permantly. She wasn't prescribed any pain killers, just the antibiotics and anti inflammiotry so she was definalty in a lot of pain.
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For a prey animal, she shouldn't be limping wo being in pain or theory 2 is he is acting for treats when ppl feel sympathy( darn everyone of my pets played me that way) . I would get a second opinion and some pain management and if he still acts up after go with theory 2.
Its been a few weeks and shes using the leg a bit more but still not putting a lot of pressure on it and is using the other hind leg to carry most of her weight. Ik this will prolly never change but will she have an increased risk of arthritis and joint pain cuz shes more dependent on her other back leg? Shes a very active chinchilla and jumps and climbs and runs a lot so she uses the leg quite a bit