Chinchilla Jealousy

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
West Midlands
Today i was sitting on my sofa watching TV and the cat (Fluffy) came and sat on my lap, i was stroking her and having a bit of cuddle with her and Dotty and Lola both woke up. I was getting the biggest evils in the world from my chinnies as if to say "hey wheres my cuddle, you shouldnt be cuddling with the cat" haha. Both of my chinnies seemed rather upset with me so when the cat went outside i went over to my chinnies, Lola let me give her a bit of a scritch and all was forgiven with her but i am not in Dottys good books, she wacked my hand away from her and went into her tunnel :hilarious: Im sure she will forgive me when i let them both out for playtime.

Anyone else had some chinchilla jealousy ??
Haha, it's the opposite with me. My cat gets jealous whenever I'm giving the chinchillas attention. When we got Persephone and Chalupa, I could practically see her rolling her eyes like, "Here we go again..."

Chinchy has started to get demanding when I'm giving the chin girls attention though, always poking his nose through the cage bars. How can I resist?
For the past couple of days we have been holding the chinnies before they go in their cage and getting them used to being held every now and again, i wonder if this is why because they havnt done that before but it was funny. Lola stuck her nose through the bars last night when we put her back, i said to my bf that she sticks out her nose as far as it can go theough the bars and one day it will get stuck haha. I did have to go over to the cage though a give her a little scritch :D When they look as cute as they do you just cant resist !!
both of my girls get jealous when I'm giving the other one attention. If they would just get along I'd give them both attention at the same time.
Oh my goodness! Lots of jealous chinnies in our house. Whenever one chinny gets scritches or lovey words or attention from the humans, the other chinnies all sit up as if to say "Hey, where's mine? I should have been first!" :impatient:
Haha well i was cuddling the parrot today and they didnt even care, i guess they just hold a grudge against the cats :D