Chinchilla isn't moving?

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Oct 6, 2014
Cleveland, UK
Hi I haven't been on here in a while but I think I had posted about the chinchilla I reserved. Well today I brought him home and he's so sweet. He jumped around for about 20 minutes, explored the whole cage but then he's just sat in the corner of the big middle shelf and is not moving. He is obviously breathing and everything but not walking around. I've been told that he's just settling in but I'm still worried. He hasn't pooed, peed or eating hay yet. He's drank a bit of water and ate about 3 or 4 pellets. I'm worried :help2:
Well, CAN he move? If you stick your hand in, touch him, does he move and if so does his movement seem normal? If so, I wouldn't be so worried. It's morning, they're nocturnal animals...much less active during the day. I'd keep an eye but his actions don't seem abnormal for a chinchilla just settling in.
He probably is settling in. Just remember evrything is all new to him. Plus remember chins sleep /play at different times too. They are not nocturnal like many people think. You might try leaving him alone and just let him get used to things and explore his cage on his own. Bonding time can be as simple as sitting beside his cage talking to him or reading a book to him. That let's him get used to your voice. I personally would not handle or touch him until he is settled in. Then start slowly with letting him come toyou/sniff hands,etc. Then he will probably start taking a treat from your hand. Go slowly it can take weeks/months to bond. Meanwhile,mark his water bottle(if you can find out what type of bottle he was using,many different kindds of drink tips) to see that he is drinking. If he really is not eating/drinking and most importantly of all pooping for 24 hours,a vet visit may be a good idea. Good luck and I will be praying for both of you! Keep us posted on him.
In addition to my previous comments, MOST chinchillas are more active at night. Likewise, MOST chinchillas do take a bit to settle in properly and until they do can be very cautious of their new surroundings. Also, when I asked if he moved when you touched him...this isn't something to test every few minutes as it may startle him and make him afraid of you. If you're REALLY concerned (which you seemed to be) touch him...once...see if he moves and if he does, take note of HOW he moves. Whether it seems like normal, healthy movement or if it seems like something is "off" or wrong. I agree with the advice regarding a vet visit if he's not eating/drinking/pooping/peeing after 24hrs...
Thanks Vyxxin, I was hoping that I was giving good advice! Plus I always thought that chins were crepusclar(?sp) so I learned somethig too! I was hoping some one with a lot of experience would chime in with some advice.
Your advice was pretty spot on :) I always forget that "nocturnal" is old school thought about chinchillas. They can be active at any time during the day, but after ten years and hundreds of chinchillas (thank goodness not all at once) they DO seem to be most active during the late evening/night times. This is one of the reasons I never recommend housing them in the bedroom. A lot of people find their nighttime noises irritating :) Likewise, your advice on bonding was excellent. I don't like to jump to panic with chinchillas, but have likewise seen chinchillas die in an instant so don't like to wait for something bad to show up either. A very inactive chinchilla, at any time of the day, IS cause for concern. BUT in this case, where the chinchilla has recently transferred to a new's not AS concerning...especially, as I said, if the chinchilla WILL move (with encouragement) and is eating/drinking/peeing/pooping. Chinchillas don't always sit and eat a ton, or drink a ton, at any given time and some are just plain fussy about being watched so may not do so just because there's a person around. Easiest way to tell if a chin is eating/drinking is to monitor their poop/pee. A chinchilla cannot poop or pee if they haven't ate or drank :)
Sorry for the late replies and thanks for your advice! When I touch him he goes crazy and runs away but generally just sits in one spot. Hes pooping (loads of it) he isnt peeing or eating his hay and barely drinking though when I offered a shredded wheat he ate it and he is eating his pellets.
Ive gave him a dust bath already which he loves and they seem to make him happier and more active. Atm the only thing im concerned about is the fact he isnt peeing. He is rarely on the bottom floor (mesh and underneath litter tray full of wood based cat litter) so it is likely if he did pee it would've been on the shelves. Is this normal? (I've had him about 24 hours now)
No, it's NOT normal BUT...pee and drinking are two VERY easy to miss things. I would personally mark his water bottle AND line the bottom of the cage (since he doesn't have access to the bedding) with white paper towels and then remove some of his shelves...put his food/water on bottom level. This will encourage him to be down near the paper towels when he "goes" and should help you see if he's putting anything "out" in that area.