Chinchilla is dying...need help now!

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My friend needs help with her chinchilla. She adopted her yesterday morning and the chinchilla was acting very tired. She checked on her tonight and she was frozen cold and lathargic. Her breath smells like rotten fish. Her eyes have crust and she hasn't eaten or drank anything. My friend is trying to feed her Critial Care, but she won't eat it. Her jaw is locked into place. She can't go to the vets until tomorrow. What does she do? She was told to keep her warm.
It sounds like this chin needs a vet NOW. Start calling emergency clinics..tomorrow may be too late for her. There is not much advice we can give here to help except find an emergency vet.
Find an emergency vet. If you let us know where you are located, we may be able to help you.

I highly doubt she will make it until tomorrow, and if she does, she will most likely be past the point of being able to be helped.
This chin definatly needs a vet now! I'm afraid the chin sounds pretty much gone however. :( Sounds like the chin has needed a vet for a long time. I would hope this chin didn't come from a shelter like this, did the chin come from an indivdual or a shelter? If the breath smells like rotten fish, I'd almost bet the chin wasn't fed right. I'd also wonder about malo, especially with the crusty eyes. Poor thing, I hope she can be saved, did she at least get to the vet? Please update.
It sounds like malo to me! Try calling emergency vets, if there are none in your area, take her in first thing when possible!

I hope the poor thing hangs in there... : (
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It sounds like malo to me! Try calling emergency vets, if there are none in your area, take her in first thing when possible!

I hope the poor thing hangs in there... : (

I know this is old I was hoping for an update..but sounds like Malo???? sounds like a serious respiratory infection Malo doesn't have low temps (cold chinchilla) and crusty eyes..sounds like a pnuemonia...any how I do not think this chinchilla survived