Chinchilla in NY/MA Border needs help!

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I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I just got some information from a friend of mine that lives in the area.

A VERY cute looks like Wilson white was dropped off and left at her work late last night. She works at a reptile store, and I am worried that someone might take him home for their boa, and so is she. She said he seems very friendly (just very very nervous and rightfully so) I have given her the basic run down on care for the time being.

Anyways, if anyone can go and help this little guy (or maybe girl) please email me at [email protected] I live in IL or else I would take him in ASAP

Here is a pic of the cutie
Any update on this chin? I think chins would get a "too much fine fur, FFF----, would not eat again" rating, but at that point it might not be much consolation to the chin :-(

He is still there, no emails or interest yet,

they were feeding him hamster food, but I made her go out and get him some real stuff. I still dont know if its a girl or a boy. All I know is that the old owner did not take good care of the guy. He was left with his cage and some hamster food :(

She said he is very sweet though, he let her hold him right away. He let her pet him today I guess, he seems like a sweet little guy

I wish I could take him myself
Oh, glad to hear it! I'm not really in the market for another chin, and taking in a cute chin "temporarily" probably would backfire. No more boas, or hamster food!