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Mar 7, 2014
I have had my male and female chinchilla's for a year now. recently they had kits (both males). Since then my male chinchilla Ruby has lost hair around his nose and has gone from 1.3 pounds to 15 ounces. I am awaiting test results from vet to see if he has ringworm, however, my vet is clueless about chinchillas and he is the only vet within 1-2 hours that will even look at them. I have taken him out of our chinchilla room in his own cage. Can anyone tell me if ringworm in chinchillas causes weight loss? All chinchillas have had their poop come back as negative and just waiting fungus results.
It's hard to say what your chin's problem may be. One possibility is that the female is preventing him from eating and fighting with him. You might want to see if he is gaining weight now that he has been separated from the female. I don't believe ringworm normally causes weight loss. You need to find a vet who is good with chins.
I agree, a good vet is needed. Hair loss could be due to funus or fighting. I would keep them apart and treat for fungus. If he keeps loosing a vet visit is a must. Fungus doesn't cause weight loss.
He has already seen a vet and right now we are awaiting results from having his hair tested. His stool & the females stool both came back negative (I had her get the same test Separating him only made him depressed so we made the decision to put him back. I have ruled fighting out. He does have veins visible in his ears and each ear has a red blotchy spot. We are able to get him to eat treats and apple flavored sticks but not so much pellets and have not seen him drink. I dont know if this image will come up but here is what it looks like

Even though he seemed depressed put him back into a separate cage. Place the cage next to the female's cage so he can be close and communicate with her. You can not rule fighting out unless you watch them every minute of every day.

Chances are the female is pregnant again. Female chins can become pregnant just prior to and after delivering kits. The male wants to be with her so he can mate with her. He is not depressed. The female is currently producing milk for her kits and is possibly pregnant. She doesn't need the male trying to mate with her.

It is very important for you to monitor his feed, hay and water intake and output. Be absolutely certain that he is drinking water, peeing and pooping. You can not monitor this if he is with another chin.

Do not give him any treats!!!!!! Lots of hay and fresh pellets are what he needs. Treats are not good for a chin's sensitive digestive system and if his system is already upset he will become very ill and possibly die.

Have you done a hair ring check on him? Here is a demonstration of how to:
Your vet probably didn't do a hair ring check on him. Hair rings can cause males to loose weight and are painful. They also cause urinary problems.

You need to weigh him at the same time each day. Check the shavings in his cage for urine and poo. Check his water bottle to be sure he is drinking water. Be sure he is eating pellets and hay.

Hope this helps.
I kept max and ruby separate from each other ten days after her pregnancy.
I know he is pooping because he has soft stool, the others do not.
He gets hay and fresh pellets daily, I have yet to see him eat pellets or drink water, I have only seen him eat hay.
I am going to do the hair check now. Thanks for your input!