My male chin Chico and my female chin Sophie, currently live in seperate cages to make sure she doesnt get pregnet again. I jsut recently seperate the last group of kit from her. Their cages are next to each other but have a partition so chico cant see sophie. Other wise he goes nuts seeing her but not being able to get to her.
I also let them out seperatly. All my males at once, and then sophie when their back in the cage. The problem is Chico wants at her badly. And she actuly wants at him a bit to. Shes lonely atm.
Their both in ferret nation cages. But before i got chico he had chewn a fair sized hole in the bottem tray because he didnt have a chew block or anything. So when Sophie is out, she can stretch up and get nose to nose with him through the bars. She can also hop up on the heater board attached to the wall, and get nose to nose with him through the side of the cage as well.
This always sends chico in an uproar. But today he started have some several problems.
Their a bit hard to describe. He was fine one second, then i looked up again and he was havving these problems. He was laying completly down, un able to stand. his front half of his body was up right, and his back half was upside down (as if he were laying on his back) and was kicking to get back up right.
Then he started what looked liek burying himslef in the litter. The way a dog would nose at something to get under neath. And a second later he was on one side. It looked as if one side of his body was completly unresponsive.
And it all happened across 1-2 mintues. I called the vet to see if i could get in real fast. (they closed in 30-45 min). A friend of mine was going to take me up since i dont have my car during the nights. But they said they wernt taking anymore visits that night. And that the vet was in emergency surgery.
When i got off the phone with them (like 2 minutes later) Chico seemed to be ok again. Tho very clam; and understandably so. He started moving around again ok, started eating. And he now appears ok again.
Now chico does have a heart murmur problem. I found out about 6 months to a year ago. One day out playing he was sitting their not moving, then was laying on one side completly unresponcive. I was able to take him to the vet that day. He started coming around during the ride to the office, and was looking fine by the time we got their. But the vet said he had a heart murmur. A valve closed off and he wasnt getting any blood to that side of the brain or soemthing. Seeing as he was an adult chin and it was the first time it ever happened, the vet chose not to have any ammediate action, but advised if it happened again then something would have to be done.
And all this time has passed and hes not had a single issue with it. Untill today. I can only assume the same heart problem caused todays problems. He was horny and all worked up very quickly for that moment when they were face to face again. And the problems happened right after that.
Has anyone else had similar medical problems or any idea what happened? (since i cant get in to see the vet tonight)
I also let them out seperatly. All my males at once, and then sophie when their back in the cage. The problem is Chico wants at her badly. And she actuly wants at him a bit to. Shes lonely atm.
Their both in ferret nation cages. But before i got chico he had chewn a fair sized hole in the bottem tray because he didnt have a chew block or anything. So when Sophie is out, she can stretch up and get nose to nose with him through the bars. She can also hop up on the heater board attached to the wall, and get nose to nose with him through the side of the cage as well.
This always sends chico in an uproar. But today he started have some several problems.
Their a bit hard to describe. He was fine one second, then i looked up again and he was havving these problems. He was laying completly down, un able to stand. his front half of his body was up right, and his back half was upside down (as if he were laying on his back) and was kicking to get back up right.
Then he started what looked liek burying himslef in the litter. The way a dog would nose at something to get under neath. And a second later he was on one side. It looked as if one side of his body was completly unresponsive.
And it all happened across 1-2 mintues. I called the vet to see if i could get in real fast. (they closed in 30-45 min). A friend of mine was going to take me up since i dont have my car during the nights. But they said they wernt taking anymore visits that night. And that the vet was in emergency surgery.
When i got off the phone with them (like 2 minutes later) Chico seemed to be ok again. Tho very clam; and understandably so. He started moving around again ok, started eating. And he now appears ok again.
Now chico does have a heart murmur problem. I found out about 6 months to a year ago. One day out playing he was sitting their not moving, then was laying on one side completly unresponcive. I was able to take him to the vet that day. He started coming around during the ride to the office, and was looking fine by the time we got their. But the vet said he had a heart murmur. A valve closed off and he wasnt getting any blood to that side of the brain or soemthing. Seeing as he was an adult chin and it was the first time it ever happened, the vet chose not to have any ammediate action, but advised if it happened again then something would have to be done.
And all this time has passed and hes not had a single issue with it. Untill today. I can only assume the same heart problem caused todays problems. He was horny and all worked up very quickly for that moment when they were face to face again. And the problems happened right after that.
Has anyone else had similar medical problems or any idea what happened? (since i cant get in to see the vet tonight)