Chinchilla Health Issues and Other Stuff

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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I am putting together a binder for all the people who adopt rescues from me. I have everything from basic care, where to purchase things online, and how to make fleece items and wood shelves.

I was wondering if you guys could help me put together a list of what isn't safe in pet stores. I am going to visit a petsmart this evening and write down everything I see that isn't safe, but I know other pet stores have other items that I may not have. Just anything off the top of your head will be helpful.

Also, the other thing I don't have is common illnesses and such. I took the article on GI Stasis and Giardia that I found, but I am in need of more. Basically anything you can think of. Articles, just first hand knowledge, anything.

Right now I am trying to put together a "book" for new owners. I don't care if the articles are long or short, same with the first hand knowledge. This is in a literal binder, so there is a lot of space, and they can look through it if there is something specific they need.

Also, anything else you can think of that would be good to add?
Bumble Foot
General Dry/Cracked Feet

Just stuff that you can find info on, I don't really have much in way of firsthand info except on ringworm.
Wow, sorry Crysta :neener: LOL
Not safe pet store items I saw the other day -
ALL of the snak shaks/bridges/sofas/treat sticks
plastic flying saucer wheels
"plywood" ware hut/house
scented dust
bad "junk" food
vitakraft treat sticks
For most of the diseases.. you can find short versions on the Merck Veterinary Manual
Eye Infections
Bites inflicted from other chins
Fur Biting
Heat/Cold Stress
Fractures (from getting feet stuck in cage bars, jumping, etc.)

Unsafe Chin Products-
Anything plastic
Ladders/Ramps in cages
List of Unsafe Woods/Unknown woods from pet stores- I bought peach wood because it said it was safe, then I got a sick chinchilla and later found out it was toxic
Toys/Nest Boxes secured with nails or staples (mine always found a way to chew through to the sharp objects)
The large plastic ball (like hamster ball, but larger)
I would basically put nothing from the petstore is safe, with a list of exceptions, like lava bites, the list will be much shorter that way...
I would recommend this site, vet listings close to your area, a/c is required.

I actually have all of that in the binder. :) The first thing I always do is recommend this site.

Thanks for everything else guys. I am looking through stuff now trying to find information on all the health issues.

And Riven, I like that idea. It's much shorter to go that route.

Thank you soooooooo much for the Merck recommendation. That pretty much gave me exactly what I was looking for when it comes to illnesses, etc.