Chinchilla got mad after getting second chin wtd

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Dec 27, 2015
Hey all!

I kinda had this question.. Since I got a second chinchilla my first one started getting mad. I finally had him really social.. Like he came to the door and when I said "Come here" he just hopped on me, but since I got this second chinchilla he acts kinda annoyed when I'm trying to pick him up..

They are in a double unit critter nation cage and the first (male 1year) is in the upper part and the second one (female 2months) is in the lower part.

Can someone please give me a tip or w/e I don't like to see him so grumpyy:wacko:


Lilly and the chins Pudding and Poro
He's jealous. Just keep giving him lots of attention and when he is behaving appropriately reward him with a cheerio. It may take some time, but he will get over it as long as you do not start ignoring him.
Thank you so much =]

Yesterday he also made progress, because he walked on my hand by himself hehe.
Awww, jealous chinny. They are so funny!
It will get better in time, I am sure!