Chinchilla fights!

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New member
Jul 20, 2012
So I have two chinchillas. They were supposed to be both male and they wernt. The mother ended up having two kits and attacked the dad. He had many cuts on his head, and we took him to the vet and they gave him ointment and said when the kits were about a month old to put the dad back with the mom. We true that today and she started chasing him again and he was crying. They have been in a cage with a divider in it so they could still see each other. Am I ever going to be able to put them together??? They used to cry and not eat anytime they were apart.
You need to keep mom and dad seperated for good. Do you want more kits? Even more important, do you want an injured chinchilla? I am not surprised the mom attacked the dad. She is probably protective over her kits. Please seperate them both unless you want more breeding and possible serious injury. Mom could even be pregnant again, so keep an eye out for that. Please keep them seperated. They will be fine.
Once blood has been drawn, they cannot go back together ever. They don't forget the fighting that caused the injuries. She knows she can beat him up and he knows that she will attack him. They just don't get over that. Unless you want to come home to a dead chinchilla or two, keep them separated permanently.
Agreed, separate permanently. Not to mention, putting them together (if one or both don't die first from fighting) will just result in more kits, not something that should be happening if your chins have unknown backgrounds (which, given that they were mis-sexed, tells me is highly probable)