Chinchilla doesnt seem to be eating...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I just got my first chinchilla on sunday and had a question... She doesnt seem to be eating... I can hand feed her and she eats but she usually looses interest after the first 2 pellets. I'm using the pellets that the breeder gave me. She seems to be eating a little more tonight. :clap1: Is it just because she is adapting still? She seems to be drinking a little... I'm just worried. Is she okay? Any suggestions?
I cant tell if she is eating hay... i think she is or she is hiding it. her poops look a little small to me but she still has poop. What do i do?
Continue to watch what she eats, is pooing and make sure she is drinking water. She is probably getting used to her new home. Call the breeder if she doesn't start eating better and see if they can assist.