Chinchilla Diarrhea!! HELPPP!

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Sep 18, 2011
Monroe, CT
I've had my chinchilla eve for 4 years now and I've never had any problems with her. No medical problems, very great temperament, all around great animal. I've always wanted to get a second chinchilla to keep her company while i'm having long work days so I recently purchased my second chinchilla Adam from a breeder. I had him ordered from the breeder through a pet store, but when i brought him home a couple days after wards he started having diarrhea. I tried giving him cremated toast, he ate some of it but no change occurred. I took his normal chinchilla fiesta mix away and gave him a straight hay diet, that didn't work either. It seemed like everything people were telling me to try just didn't work. Eventually after no difference, I went back to the pet store and questioned them on if they knew the diet he was being kept on with the breeder, I figured if his body was used to whatever food they gave him, maybe I could give that to him instead to help. They said they had no idea and the only helpful advice they could give me was to change his water to bottled water. I did so, but it's been almost a week after wards and still no change. Now back to eve. While this was all happening she stayed her normal healthy self. They have separate cages, but I do put them in the same cage a couple hours a day to get used to each other and for the company. Though i'm changing Adams diet and water, i've always kept eves consistent and she's never had a problem. Until about 2 days ago that is. She's now having diarrhea. She isn't playing like she used to, she's tired all the time, she collapses into my arms when i hold her and as soon as I put her back down she collapses onto her house. This is very unlike my girl. From the start with Adam I was worried something more was wrong with him, could it be that he came into the household from the breeder with a problem that could have been transmitted to eve? I've tried to get them appointments to the vet, but where I live the closest one that's a good dependable vet is over an hour away at an emergency clinic. If there's something I haven't tried I need to know and I need help, because I can't stand to see either of them having a problem and I can't stand to see eve like this :[
It would help if you could post your location as members may be able to direct you to a chin competent vet.

First off, any new chinchilla needs to be completely quarantined for 30 days prior to introducing them to your existing chin for reasons just such as this. It does sound like there is a possibility that the new chin brought something in. It could be giarrdia or coccidia or any number of other parasitic infections.

It could be stress for both of them. If your existing chin is that lethargic, I would highly suggest getting them both to a vet ASAP as chins can go downhill extremely fast. An hour is not an unusual distance to have to travel to see an exotic vet but members may be able to direct you to one that is closer.

For now, pulling all pellets and treats and giving loose timiothy hay, purified and filtered water (which is what they should be on anyway) is the best thing. They may need medication in addition from the sounds of it so I would highly stress a vet visit.
At this point you've tried everything, I hate to say it but the 1hour drive is definately needed. If your chin collapses you probably don't have long as they don't typically show signs of illness (it protects them in the wild by not showing weakness, which makes them susceptible to prey).
Poor chinnys, hope there's something the vet can do for them at this point
If you haven't already, I'd definitely take both to the vet...immediately.

Food for thought when you return...

I'm not clear on whether you feed Fiesta regularly, but it's worth mentioning that it's really not a good feed. Oxbow or Mazuri are common, as they're readily available in pet stores. Some people (myself included) have reported loose stools on Mazuri, so you may want to steer clear of that one, especially considering the issues you're already being presented with. If you use the search feature at the top, you'll find quite a few threads on good quality feed.

A PUR3 filter is the least expensive option for filtering microbial cysts out of water. Brita and bottled water don't offer that level of filtration.

Finally, once you get through this, you really shouldn't allow Adam and Eve to play or live together unless one of them is already neutered. Since you left them together for a few hours each night, Eve may already be pregnant, as it takes no time at all! I'm sure more experienced members will chime in on this topic, as my breeding experiences are limited to one.

It's wonderful that you found this forum. It's an amazing resource and has been an absolute godsend to me and my furkids! Just brace yourself for information overload. :))

I really hope Adam & Eve get well soon and you made it to the vet in time! Cute names, by the way!
I've had my chinchilla eve for 4 years now and I've never had any problems with her. No medical problems, very great temperament, all around great animal. I've always wanted to get a second chinchilla to keep her company while i'm having long work days so I recently purchased my second chinchilla Adam from a breeder. I had him ordered from the breeder through a pet store, but when i brought him home a couple days after wards he started having diarrhea. I tried giving him cremated toast, he ate some of it but no change occurred. I took his normal chinchilla fiesta mix away and gave him a straight hay diet, that didn't work either. It seemed like everything people were telling me to try just didn't work. Eventually after no difference, I went back to the pet store and questioned them on if they knew the diet he was being kept on with the breeder, I figured if his body was used to whatever food they gave him, maybe I could give that to him instead to help. They said they had no idea and the only helpful advice they could give me was to change his water to bottled water. I did so, but it's been almost a week after wards and still no change. Now back to eve. While this was all happening she stayed her normal healthy self. They have separate cages, but I do put them in the same cage a couple hours a day to get used to each other and for the company. Though i'm changing Adams diet and water, i've always kept eves consistent and she's never had a problem. Until about 2 days ago that is. She's now having diarrhea. She isn't playing like she used to, she's tired all the time, she collapses into my arms when i hold her and as soon as I put her back down she collapses onto her house. This is very unlike my girl. From the start with Adam I was worried something more was wrong with him, could it be that he came into the household from the breeder with a problem that could have been transmitted to eve? I've tried to get them appointments to the vet, but where I live the closest one that's a good dependable vet is over an hour away at an emergency clinic. If there's something I haven't tried I need to know and I need help, because I can't stand to see either of them having a problem and I can't stand to see eve like this :[

First off let me start by saying you should have quarentined the new chin...second pull all pellets and only offer hay...third you need to get both to a vet asap...especially if one is collapsing..sounds like her sugar levels are low...also..the possibility of Eve being pregnant is need to seek medical attention immediatly as if they both have any type of serious infections the end result could be death!
Hopefully these chins made it to the vet, since the OP has not updated the thread but has been back on the forum since the thread was posted a update on condition would be the responsible thing to do.
sorry guys i haven't been answering but i have been checking what you've all been saying though looking for advice. they have an appointment for a vet tomorrow at 9 am. adam is clear of the diarrhea and when i got back from work eve was very happy to see me and hopped right up into my arms, but she still has her diarrhea. It took hours to find another vet that would take them. I used to have a vet 5 minutes from my house, but he refuses to look at chinchillas anymore. and the same was for where ever I went. I live in fairfield county in connecticut, and truth be told exotic animals are very rare in the part I reside in so not many practices are around. I haven't put adam and eve together since i noticed how bad it's been, but i'm glad to at least see some change in adam. Originally, the vet only wanted to see eve but I stressed that I felt it was important that he was checked out too. Thank you everyone for being as worried about my girl as I am. Like I stated before, she jumped right up and i'm watching her eat and drink now so the collapsing seems to not be an issue anymore. Granted she still definitely needs to go. Thank you for your advice about keeping them apart, I actually didn't know a months time was needed for a quarantine. The breeder simply said to keep them apart for around a week to look out for behavioral issues, but I never thought that it could be a danger of disease i was looking at. I'm just glad to see my girl getting bright eyed and bushy tailed again :]