Chinchilla Bites

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
Does anyone have a good remedy for helping chinchilla bites heal and/or helping to relieve the pain? I know how to treat wounds, but I'm wondering if anyone's found anything special that works for the pain of deep bites when they really sink their teeth in? I'm referring to when they bite human fingers etc... not chins biting other chins.Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
I usually put neosporin on my chin bites, but i havent had one in awhile. The worst one i got was from my sister's chin, i had two or three bites that lasted for days and hurt bad.
I use tea tree oil, it's naturally antibacterial. Some people have pretty strong reactions to it though.

Neosporin if it isn't deep.
I just clean it out with peroxide and water mixed 50/50 (never use just plain peroxide), sometimes a bit of betadine and let it go. Bandage if it's bleeding for a few hours until it stops. The throbbing stops eventually. I, personally do not like Neosporin or any type of "greasy" product to put on an open wound. IMO it just traps the possible bacteria in, and prevents the wound from breathing. Wounds need to breath, and they need to be able to push the bacteria out.
I have yet to find anything other than time and the usual wound stuff. (I have one as we speak, Spring had her first baby today I went to give her a treat and she grabbed me by mistake) I am thinking of trying blukote
I just clean the wound really well with soap and water and then usually clean it with some alcohol. I've never had a bite get infected, I've been bitten many times over the years for all sorts of reasons. It just hurts, there's nothing you can do about it except for wait it out. I don't like Neosporin either, it just gets all over...
I have yet to find anything other than time and the usual wound stuff. (I have one as we speak, Spring had her first baby today I went to give her a treat and she grabbed me by mistake) I am thinking of trying blukote

Speaking from experience, Blue Kote burns! I had a bite on my finger from one of my piggies, and when I was applying to said piggie, it got on my finger and felt like I had put straight rubbing alcohol on it!