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As long as you take a lot of what it says with a grain of salt, there might be some.......interesting reading on there.

I like the forum style of information much better where you can question and answer rather than just assume it's correct because it's in one spot. I've been told by several people that it's a jumbled mess and quite annoying to get through too.
This site used to use a lot of information off of my site until I blocked them. I'm not a "Dr." and didn't feel that my articles should be taken for professional references.

Most of the references are from websites, not vets.
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Well wtf. Why are they making up quotes from vets and research to spread misinformation? All the links I clicked sent me to research that backed up what they were saying o_O

I also only looked through the nutrition section, so I have no idea what else is on that site.
Let's take this for example...
NEVER let your chin have chocolate or anything containing chocolate, it is very dangerous for animals in general and can cause damage to both the digestive and nervous systems. (ref-,,

Snopes: - talks about cocoa mulch, not cocoa bean or powder, this is completely irrelevant. - this article is about dogs, dogs are carnivores. theobromine, the chemical in question is actually used (and banned) in racehorses. Why not link it to an actual scientific article? - again, an article about dogs, it does mention pets, but is geared towards carnivores, dogs in particular can't break down Theobromine. Chins are fairly strict herbivores in our feeding programs, and they should have geared the articles towards guinea pig/horse/cattle reactions to the substance, which, while it is still toxic in large quantities it is used in feeds and as a stimulant.

Just "food" for thought. :D
It is definitely not the best....but it has better information than "pet care sheets" or what the pet store clerk told the person. Look at is as step in the right direction. I have even noticed Kaytee attempting to make better foods. I have recently seen other options with less treats in them, including some timmy pellets. They don't have it right, but it is something.

It isn't laid out well, I agree.