Chin with malo... trying to figure out what to do..

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May 15, 2011
I have a rescued chinchilla, Greyson, who is around 5-7 years old. I got him back in 2009, and learned he had malocclusion soon afterwards. He has gotten his teeth filed at least 5 times since then. The only problem is that his roots seem to be affecting him.
(the image attached is from 2009, and is the only one I can get to right now as I am in the process of rebuilding my computer.)
The last time he had his teeth filed, it took him over a day to wake up and become alert, which is unlike him. Usually he would be up and eating within hours. He has a constant watery left eye, and his right seems to occasionaly be water lately also. He has lost 31g since March 26th.
He has been pretty active and has been eating well, but this last week he has slowed down on the activity, and doesnt stay out of the cage as long as usual. He has been grinding his teeth a lot more, itching his eyes, and shaking his head a lot. He gets metacam every day, once a day.

I cannot afford another vet visit to get his teeth filed, and I am not sure how many more times he can take it anyway. If anyone has any experience with this.. I could use some advice.
I figured, as long as he has quality of life, and isnt sitting in a corner unable to eat, I should give him a chance. But I dont want him to be in pain. And I cant tell if he is, or if im looking too much into his behavior.

I am leaving in two weeks for a month, and am having my parents and friends watch over my four chinchillas. My delemma is.. if he needs to be put down, I would rather have me do it, than put my family and friends in that situation and make them make the choice. But I cant put him down sooner than I need to... I want to give him a chance, but I know this is eventually a losing battle...

Anyways.. this is getting long so ill end it here. Any opinions or experience would be much appreciated. Thanks


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Found more pictures from 2011

The first is a closer view of the 2009 xray

The next 3 are from 2011.


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Those upper roots look pretty bad :( They are most likely what are causing the watery eyes. They can grow upwards into or by the eye sockets, affecting the tear ducts and hence, the watering.

It is extremely painful for them. Only you can make the call, but there is nothing that can be done for the roots. If he isn't acting like himself, (as it sounds by this
he has slowed down on the activity, and doesnt stay out of the cage as long as usual. He has been grinding his teeth a lot more, itching his eyes, and shaking his head a lot.
) it may be time to make that call. When chins begin to show signs of pain, they really must be in pain because they are prey animals and hide pain as well as they can. I'm sorry. :(
I brought several chins around by using a supplement of Repti calcium powder, and Vitamin C tablets ground up, mixed in with the food. I'm not saying for sure this will help, but it might be worth a shot if you are willing to try. Those upper roots do look really bad, and the bottom isnt great either. You would also need a bit of sun exposure or solar lamps, I had a full spectrum light I kept on the ones I treated for a while to help them absorb the vitamin c.
If the damage is done, meaning the roots have overgrown, Vit C, CA and UV will not make roots retreat, it needs to be caught early to put the roots in remission.
Nik, I'm sorry about Greyson. :(

If the damage is done, meaning the roots have overgrown, Vit C, CA and UV will not make roots retreat, it needs to be caught early to put the roots in remission.

I brought several chins around by using a supplement of Repti calcium powder, and Vitamin C tablets ground up, mixed in with the food.

My girls are still young and I'm really paranoid about malo since I see so many threads on it. Would you guys recommend adding the Vit C, CA, and UV even if no issues are present as a precaution or only if it is found?
I wouldnt do it unless there are issues. However, I DID have a chin's roots retract with this combination... Connor was a moderate/severe malo case and he is clear, there is a tiny bit of root on the right? side I believe but he's been stable like he is for several years now. However this was a case of severe malnutrition, I dont know that it would work with anything else. And I dont know how it worked with him
I DID have a chin's roots retract with this combination... Connor was a moderate/severe malo case and he is clear, there is a tiny bit of root on the right? side I believe but he's been stable like he is for several years now.

Do you happen to have any before & after x-rays? If so I'd be very interested in seeing them.
Thank you for the replies everyone. I will be losing my little Greyson next week :( He will be completely spoiled till then :)
Sorry to hear about Greyson. I know how you feel because I am going to have to make that decision myself one day. My Herby is a malo chin and I know her time will eventually come one day that I have to let her go.

Until next week, give him all the love and kisses and treats he wants and spoil him rotten until the day comes when you must let him go over the Bridge. And know that when you do let him go, we will all be here to mourn with you.
Do you happen to have any before & after x-rays? If so I'd be very interested in seeing them.

I wish I did, she didnt do xrays. She did a manual examination of the mouth and lower jaw (there were 20 some-odd chins in this) and assigned them to either light, moderate, or severe categories. He was in the severe category and you could feel bumps on the jaw. Now the only bumps you can feel are very slight ones on the right side, and its been that way for several years. Crossing fingers it STAYS that way the rest of his life!

I am very sad to hear about little Grayson, just remember its for the best. He knows he is loved, he's a lucky little guy.
Envy, do you still give the supplements or did you wean off once the roots receded?
They were weaned off once the roots receded. You are right Dawn, its possible they were something else, do you know anything else that would cause the lumps on the jaw? I am by no means claiming to be an expert on the subject, just going by my personal experience with a crazy bunch of chins. Now the inside teeth were also a mess, those I gave tons of chews, hay, ect, too, and they ground down on their own. It was a rescue footing the (over $1000) bill, so she did it as cheaply as possible.
They were weaned off once the roots receded. You are right Dawn, its possible they were something else, do you know anything else that would cause the lumps on the jaw? I am by no means claiming to be an expert on the subject, just going by my personal experience with a crazy bunch of chins. Now the inside teeth were also a mess, those I gave tons of chews, hay, ect, too, and they ground down on their own. It was a rescue footing the (over $1000) bill, so she did it as cheaply as possible.

It could have been buccal exostosis, which put simply happens when the teeth are loose in the sockets-the bone goes nuts and produces a excess of bone that tries to fill in area but over reacts and makes too much, over time they can recede when the stimulis is gone. I have seen it a couple of times in chins that were in the foster system long term and under dental care.