Have you not heard about my Little Two Paws Shakur??? He was born with only 2 legs, both on the right side!!! He has ony a little nubbin on the back left, and nothing in the left front.
He gets around just as well/fast as my two 4 legged chins. I have him in a completely fleece covered one level cage, but he has shelves with pillows, a tube, a hammock and a corner house. He jumps on a shelf, then into his hammock, and from the hammock into the fleece corner house. He love getting on top of the fleece house, like its a very high hammock.
I aways say that animals are so much more accepting of their circumstances than we humans are. He doesn't know that he only has 2 legs; he just makes do with what he has!!!
My other handicapped chin, a little Black Velvet given to me by a rancher, Blackberry Bunnybutt, has only 1 good leg!!! She was born with a badly deformed club back left leg that angles out on the left and no front left. Her mother and siblings chewed her ears, bobbed her tail to a mere stub, and chewed the fingers on her right hand so that she has a mitten paw and can't hold her pellets or hay, but has to eat out of the bowl like a dog.
Her club leg forces her back right out so that she hops like a bunny and has just a bunny sized tail, hence the name Blackberry Bunnybutt!!! She is my most loving and cuddling chin, and she, too, gets around just fine in her fleece lined paradise!!!