Chin wirh 2nd amputation, has anyone seen or have any experience?

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My 3 legged male chin (rear left missing, I took him in this way) now has a problem with the other rear leg. I basically have to decide whether to aputate or let him go. Does anyone know anything about the quality of life or have any experience with a chin who has lost both back legs? Any advise would be sincerely appreciated.
i wouldn't know, but i wish you the best of luck with him. Hope he'll be alright.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- animals are so much more adaptable and accepting of their circumstances than we humans are. They don't KNOW that they should have 4 legs -- they just deal with what they have.

Little Two Paws was born with only a front and back leg on the right, nothing front left, and what I call his little nubbin for a back left, as well as his tail being short and stubby.

The breeder referred to it as a "birth accident", since if the mom has trouble delivering her kits and has to grab onto and pull whatever is sticking out, their little limbs are so tiny and fragile that they sometimes get bitten right off.

I took him to the vet for a well baby checkup, and Dr. Fitzgerald said that it wasn't necessary to further amputate the nubbin up to the hip, since he was able to use it to get around.

It looks kind of like the bottom of a chicken drumstick. It is not an open wound, but it is very tender, pink skin with no fur covering it and it is easily irritated, so he lives completely on fleece covered everything and we have playtime on a flannel sheet on my bed.

He doesn't run on a wheel, but when I asked the rancher who wanted me to take him as a pet how he got around with only 2 legs, he replied, "Well, I reckon pretty good." And he DOES get around pretty good, kind of skittering around. He's surprisingly very fast!!!

I have him in a small one level guinea pig cage with a shelf, a hammock, a fleece tube and corner house from Alli, a cuddle cup and a potty pan.

I think that what you do is up to you, but without knowing why he has had to have 2 amputations, I would say only that I would not be so quick to put him down, if he will still be able to have a decent quality of life. Little Two Paws is the sweetest and most loving chinnie, and I just know that he's happy that he had a chance to have a great life with me!!! :thumbsup:

Good luck with your little guy -- maybe now Little Two Paws won't be the only little 2 legged chinchilla in the world!!! With a smaller cage and some other adaptations, he could probably "get around pretty good"!!!

ETA: WOW!!! Cool ferret wheelchair!!! I don't know if a chin could use one because their front paws are so little and they really hop more than walk.
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I see chins as more the electric wheelcare type, with the little joystick in their paw. Yeah, those chairs are just for playtime, not all the time. And if it was my chin I would try and experiment to make one. There won't be any jumping for this boy, just pulling himself around. Maybe he could make a wonderful snuggly chin for someone though. If it is too much for the OP, I would put a word out trying to find a special home for him. Poster seems to be from S. FL, maybe chinniechantel knows someone?
I don't know what happned to his first leg but when he came to me he had a death wheel and an owner who didn't care much so I can imagine. Also don't know what he went through with that ordeal but he doesn't like hands in his cage at all, he'll bite you if he can. Once he's out he's a love, and his cage mate is miserable since yesterday, when I took him out of the cage for hospital care. I love him to bits and want to do what's best for him. If it were one front and one back I think he'd have a better chance of getting around, but with both backs missing I'm concerned all he could do is drag himself around and he'd be miserable. I understand the not missing what they never had, but he's an older chin, he knows what he had. I'm just trying to make the most humane decision with his best interests, not mine, at heart. His care is not too much for me, I just want to do the right thing by him.
What is the actual problem with his remaining back leg?
Most animals are extremely adjustable. Just like humans if one of the 5 senses go bad another sense will compensate. Animals are very similar and without 2 back legs, the front legs will become stronger and compensate. He won't be like a normal chinchilla so he'll need an adequate cage that is only one story, fleece bedding, and will probably need to be regular cleaned as his bottom will scoot.
wow, Lynn thanks for sharing your story about Little Two Paws. I hadn't heard about him yet--it it really amazing how animals can adapt.
I would be interested in knowing at what level his first back leg was amputated. I would also like to know what the problem is with his other back leg, and at what level it would be amputated as well. Would they both be the same length???

I think that after a period of adjustment, and with the love and support of you or someone else, he could have a pretty good quality of life...