chin treats

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
My chinchillas' favorite treat has been discontinued. They are very picky and like the "bad" stuff that i know ppl on the forum advise against. They basically only like those yogurt dandelion treats (i know, shame shame. They rarely get it) and the discontinued treats. They dont mind ALL LIVING THINGS feista puffs which i have not given them in an incredible long time because i know those cannot be good for them either. Ive been looking and i honestly dont know what is okay and what is not. Reading the labels on human food confuses me, im twice as confused reading chinchilla treats. I hate that all these companies sell things that are "chinchilla" treats when they are made with things so horrible for chinchillas. I know there are some ppl on the forum that sell treats and i will look into those as well. I have tried making homemade treats and my chins didnt think twice about walking away. Can anyone tell me how terrible these treats are?

Berry Lucky Small Animal Treats - Ingredients: oat flour, rolled oats, brown rice syrup, vegetable shortening, flax, blueberry, cranberry, apple, rice bran, whole dried egg, alfalfa, cinnamon, chicory and yucca extract

American Pet Diner Smaks Small Animal Treats-Barley and rye flour, fresh apple, vegetable oil, flax meal, honey, brewer's yeast, hay meal, prebiotic (inulin), yucca extract
I think rather then looking at treats at the pet store which you even said yourself are horrible for chinchillas you should look into treats that are ok. Just to give a little brief explanation on bad treats, no dairy, no fruits, no nuts, no berries, no seeds, no vegetables, no animal products of any kind (eggs, meat, bones, etc). Also keep in mind that chinchillas are strict grass herbivores.
Ok now to give you a quick list of acceptable treats, and once again in limited quantities like a one a couple times a week, one once a day max... Cheerios, non frosted shredded wheat, rose pedals, rose blossoms, rosehips, slow cook oats, also some herbs. I'm sure there are other things I missed, just do a search on the forum here for treats and that should allow you to compile a more complete list.
twigs: the every day treat! just make sure they are safe. They have to be prepared properly and from proper trees.

My chin gets unlimited grapevine, which he loves, but giving apple/pear/ other flavors of wood as a twig a day or something lets them keep their "treat" status while being completely healthy and the "normal" grapevine means he still has plenty to chew. I also do rosehip and some of the other things occasionally, but there's no healthier treat than something they should have anyways.
Coming off something so fatty/sugary your chin may not realize the other stuffs as much of a treat right away. It's like getting a chocolate cake everyday and then being told that a fruit parfeit is a dessert- it may be still desserty but it's going to still be a switch from something very rich and unheathy to something better for them as a treat still.