Chin took a tumble

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
One of my chins decided it was a wonderful idea to jump on the cage door and hurl himself to the floor.

I have a double CN and it was one of the top doors.
He hit my other cage on the way down before scurrying under it for a few minutes.

Everything appears alright. He has no visible injuries and he's acting completely normal but I'm still in panic mode.

Should I bring him into work for an exam on Monday or just wait it out for any sign of injury? I know they hide issues very well so I wanted some opinions from people who may have dealt with this before.
As said in my post, nothing appears off. It's the time of day where is isn't very active so it's difficult to say if nothing has changed.
I just don't want to rule out taking him to the vet if that's the best plan of action here. :/
Its a tough call only you can decide-I had one hurl himself out of his cage like yours did, about the same height, I decided that if there was damage that was done there was nothing that could be done besides euthanasia, the legs worked and he could move around but he was just slow like he was sore. I gave him metecam and tramadol, made sure he ate and let him be, took a couple of days to return to normal.
It's his sleepy part of the day so I can't tell if he is moving slowly. He doesn't appear to be moving oddly and he looks alright.

Should I make him an appointment and get metacam and tramadol? Must they be given together for any specific reason?

Work is closed today and I'm off tomorrow but I can bring him in. We have an exotics vet there. Do you think he can wait that long? He ate last night and he was hopping around chewing on sticks.

I really hope he is okay :[ It only took a second for all of this to happen, I feel so responsible :/

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