chin that was posted up for adoption in Va by StevieP

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Feb 1, 2009
Central NJ
:banghead: Since we can't comment on the classified I am making another thread. This ad sounds 'fishy' to me. Why doesn't the cage or cages come with the chins if they can't afford the chins?? They also sound like they want a lot for the chins - to 'feed themselves'??? If they were interested in finding a good home for the chins beause they can't feed them they would not charging an 'expensive' fee.
:banghead: Since we can't comment on the classified I am making another thread. This ad sounds 'fishy' to me. Why doesn't the cage or cages come with the chins if they can't afford the chins?? They also sound like they want a lot for the chins - to 'feed themselves'??? If they were interested in finding a good home for the chins beause they can't feed them they would not charging an 'expensive' fee.

Yeah, it does seem a little fishy. I think I am going to call her tonight and get some more information.
I might offer to bring some chin food and hay.

The link to the craigslist ad is on this page:
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I don't see where they say what the rehoming fee is... just that the chins were sooooo expensive. So it's possible it's not much.

I'd be more concerned that they have two females with a male at 9 months, I doubt they just introduced them.
Guys - the point to not commenting on the ads is to not start a huge scream fest every time a Craigslist thread is posted. If individual threads are going to be posted every time a Craigslist ad goes up, I am going to do away with the Craigslist section.

We are allowing those ads as a way to help those chins. Those people are not members of our forum, nor will they ever be. It is a waste of our bandwidth, i.e., money, to constantly rant and rave about Craigslist ads that you can't do anything about. If you want to know something about the ad, ask the people selling the chins/cages/accessories. What point is there to asking about it here on forum where nobody has a clue?

So, to keep this from turning into another 30 page Craigslist commentary, I am closing this thread.
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