chin spin in a superpet cage?

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I had a ED wheel which is close to a chin spin in size and weight in a super pet ferret cage, it did fine, here is a old pic of my cages, its the black cage.

The cage that the link is for - The chin spin would never fit in. I don't know how you could get it in - certainly not thru the doors
It would fit through the top door. My concern was weight. Their customer service advised against putting their wheel in that cage. The bars are flimsy :( Tainga is getting chunky and I would really like to get her a wheel big enough for her. Does anyone know if the silver surfers weigh less than the chin spins? I'm hesitant with the silver surfer because of the 4 inch wide running surface. I'm not sure her big booty can run freely in that space.
I replaced all my cages with Ferret Nations after that. But to answer your question from earlier, the silver surfers are a lot lighter than the chin spins if I remember correctly.