Chin sneezing? Short squeals? help!!

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My chin Mo is having trouble breathing it looks like because he is kind of sneezing and squealing a bit. I went to put his food in like normal and he jumped right out but had trouble eating any because it seems he couldn't breathe out his nose. Is this something I could try to treat or do I need to get him to a vet right away??
Take him to the vet now.

Yes, now. Find an emergency vet, don't wait for an appointment. Chins get URIs (upper respiratory tract infections) and they are hard to treat and cure. Once severe symptoms are showing, a vet visit is really the only hope from what I've read on here (never had a chin with a URI).

Good luck.
I just lost my foster who only started to sneeze while at the vets today. He passed while being nebulized. Please E-vet.
Sadly, I contacted a local vet, but since they aren't my normal vet who doesn't take small animals they can't do a payment plan with me and I was declined credit through CareCredit and don't have any spare money to pay them until next week. They refuse to take him in unless I can pay upfront. I'm afraid he may die because I don't have the money right NOW for an emergency vet visit.
There is nothing anybody here can do for you. Without vet care a chin with a URI will die. He has to have antibiotics and a whole lot of special care to see him through this.
I am no expert by any means, but my chinchilla, Furby had last december-ish he went from sneezing a little bit, (it was very minor), but he still got really sick and the side effects of the medication made him lose his appetite, probably more so since he was already rather weak... and so he stopped eating, his weight dropped to 380 g. I was hand feeding him during the week of Baytril and for several months after to get his weight back up. i hope you don't have as hard of a time with it, good luck! and make sure you have critical care on hand in case you need to hand feed, most exotic vets carry it.
I'm in Oregon near Portland. I even tried looking up financial help through the humane society website. I'm trying to find what I can, but I have a feeling that if I don't get him in by tomorrow and get the money to do it that I'll be completely out of luck anyways. So right now I feel all I can do is try to keep him clean and dry so he's not getting snot all over his nose/mouth/chest/paws.
Maybe if you try just walking into an animal hospital? I'd imagine it would be harder for them to decline an emergency in front of their faces. I can't think of anything else but if I do, I'll post. Hopefully someone can think of something to help you out.
I think in the title of this section, this part needs to be big and in RED,

"Guidance given in this forum does not substitute for PROPER VET CARE."

We are not vets, this section is not about diagnose and self vet at home, its to help a owner before and after the vet visit, and should NOT replace one, not matter the excuse of the owner. Own a pet and the vet is part of it, if not rehome the animal, its that simple. Letting a chin die a slow death from non care is just plain abuse. Its blunt but this is getting old, seeing chins die from lack of vet care.
did you take him to the vet? an update would be great because im really worried for your little chin. i dont have experience with this but judging from what you said it sounds serious and the replies just back it up. please let us know how your chin is as soon as you can.
I think in the title of this section, this part needs to be big and in RED,

"Guidance given in this forum does not substitute for PROPER VET CARE."

We are not vets, this section is not about diagnose and self vet at home, its to help a owner before and after the vet visit, and should NOT replace one, not matter the excuse of the owner. Own a pet and the vet is part of it, if not rehome the animal, its that simple. Letting a chin die a slow death from non care is just plain abuse. Its blunt but this is getting old, seeing chins die from lack of vet care.

I agree 100%
OI . . i wish I had seen this earlier. I have walked into e vets so many times and let them do the care and then told them i only had so much on me and would write them a check for a future date or something. if you dont say something, they dont ask. and to be honest, even if they give him the care and keep him for awhile its better than not getting the care. although i dont know they would hold him as collateral but im just saying
Vets need to feed their pets too, they have bills to pay like everyone else. Its not fair that vets get a bad rap because pet owners are selfish and keep pets they cannot afford.