chin sneezes

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Silver Spring, MD
My little guy sneezes every once in a while. Not very often but I hear him maybe once every couple of days. I am home most of the day, so I think I would notice if it were much more often. Is there any reason to be concerned at this point?
Chins can sneeze and not be sick, what you look for is a runny nose, wheezing, heavy breathing, any change in appetite, lethargy, along with the sneezing when there is a issue that is serious.
When I first got my chin I noticed she sneezed about once every day. It freaked me out and I told the vet at her initial appointment. She had no other symptoms. She still sneezes every 2-3 days now, like yours does. I think she's just sensitive. She only ever sneezes once, not multiple times in a row which is what my vet said to look out for along with an increase in sneezing and other symptoms, like Dawn pointed out.

I've cut back on dusting her because of the sneezing along with some dry skin and it's seemed to help. I dust her about twice a week now, sometimes more if it's humid but I used to dust her every other day. Her fur pretty much looks the same anyways. But yea, your chin is just sensitive.
ok, that makes me feel better. He definitely has none of the other symptoms. The dust might be an issues since I have to use his dust house to coax him back into his cage after playtime every night. I only actually leave the dust in the cage afterwards a couple of times a week for him to take a bath, but maybe the hopping in and out for playtime aggravated his little nose :)