chin slowing down?

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
Feel free to move this if this in the wrong forum..

I know there are a lot of you guys on here that have chins in their teens and maybe even their 20's and I was wondering of you notice that that the further up in years they get, the slower they get?

I have noticed that my chin, Herby has not been as active as she was a few years ago when I got her and that she likes to spend more time in her tube and hammocks than she used to.
She has had some health problems in the past, mostly having to do with her teeth and the other problems associated with those. But she has been to the vet recently for her check up and received a clean bill of health, including no tooth problems.

I know that other animals tend to slow down as they get older, and I have no idea how old Herby is since she was given to me by my sister, who also had no idea how old Herby is, since she was abandoned by her owner. So I thought I'd ask some of you have older chins if you had noticed anything like this.

The weather has also changed here, as well, and it is getting warmer outside, but I keep the house between 73 and 75 degrees in the house and she has plenty of chillers in her home, so I don't know if that may have something to do with it or not.

Any insights anyone?
I have a 16 year old tripod who still runs around like he did when I got him at 4 years old. He has not slowed down at all but he is on arthritis medication for his hip. 73-75 if there is humidity can be warm for chins, JMO.
Thanks! I have to run out to Petco today anyway, so I'll pick this up. I know it is made for an aquarium, so where I should stick it for use with chins?
Thanks! I have to run out to Petco today anyway, so I'll pick this up. I know it is made for an aquarium, so where I should stick it for use with chins?

Stick it on the side of their cage, high up. Or if you have a wire cage that your chin is going to be able to chew at the meter, then put it anywhere near the cage, preferably at the same height as the top of the cage (heat rises, so to be on the safe side, people usually put the meter where the reading is worst-case senario, if that makes sense. Plus some chins spend most of their time at the top of their cage). If you have a sheet over the cage, like I do, I just lay it on the part of sheet that is on top of the cage.

I hope that made sense...I'm not so sure it did but I tried!! haha
I got a thermometer for my chin room that also measures humidity. I think I got it at either walmart or home depot for about 10$
At walmart they have a little battery operated digital humidity/temperature meter. It's fantastic. I think it was like $9.00. It's in the hardware section with all the other thermometers.

IMO, a chin is used to it's surrounding temperature as long as it's 75ish and under if it's been kept that way its whole life. I have all my rescues in my living room where it stays 73/74 and I've never had a problem with them overheating. If she is used to years of that temperature and has never showing any signs of overheating, I believe she is fine in that aspect.
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IMO, a chin is used to it's surrounding temperature as long as it's 75ish and under if it's been kept that way its whole life.

It's when you throw in the "ish" that I start to be concerned. People see that and think, 78 is ish, 80 is ish. I don't like it that warm and I am not sporting a fur coat.

I agree with Dawn. I think that's a bit warm. When my chins room hits 70, I start to panic. Throw humidity in on that, and you've got a really warm room. Even with a/c, there is still humidity.
Thanks guys! I went out to Wal Mart and got a battery operated one that reads temp and humidity. Right now it is reading 74 with 55% humidity,but that may change because I have only had it in the room for about 30 minutes and it said it could take a few hours to read the right temp and humidity. My thermostat says 72 though. How much humidity is good in the summer? In the winter? And how do I get the humidity down to acceptable levels?

Herby has always been kept in the living room of my house ( because it is the darkest and coolest room ) and I always have it at (max) 75 (minimum) 70, but she has never had any signs of heat stroke. There are also ceiling fans in the room too and she has a chiller I put in the cage with her too, and frequently change them out. So should I change the temp in the house? I could always use it a bit cooler, as I have problems myself with regulating my own internal temp.

I also have 2 other chins in the same room, and they are still active and running and jumping around like nobodies business. :) So now I am worried about them and how the temp may affect them..Argghhh! Am I worrying too much? Should I be worrying more?

Oh..forgot add..@ caiti..thanks for the ideas on where to put it. Luckily this chin is not a chewer, except for her wood treats and toys, so I was able to clip it to the cage at the top.
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It's when you throw in the "ish" that I start to be concerned. People see that and think, 78 is ish, 80 is ish. I don't like it that warm and I am not sporting a fur coat.

I agree with Dawn. I think that's a bit warm. When my chins room hits 70, I start to panic. Throw humidity in on that, and you've got a really warm room. Even with a/c, there is still humidity.

I agree with tunes and Dawn. My chins all were "raised" in warmer temps, because they were all rescues with cruddy owners, but I wouldn't want to risk it. Just because they have been exposed to higher temps doesn't mean they are comfortable. I have visited FL many times before, but I still hate the heat and humidity there (sorry to all you FL people :hug2:!)

The warmest I let the house get is about 72 or 3.

Aside from that, my one old grump is in his early teens, and he is the slowest chins out of my 4, but it's just because he isn't as playful. He still jumps around and runs and such during playtime, but seems slower in comparison
If you want to break up the humidity, get one of those fans that you can tip and tilt, and aim it at the floor. Humidity sinks down to the flor, and needs a nudge to help it move along. Checking the reading up high is fine, but if you know the room is cool, I would be more worried about dispersing the humidity and moving it around.

I wouldn't panic over the temperature. It's obviously been fine for him. I'm sure each chin is different as they approach their golden years. Some may be the same as always, or even extra spazz, and some may be a little slower.
Thanks Tunes! I have one of those fans, so I will be moving it out here in the living room/chin room.

And a huge thanks to everyone who helped me out with this! :)
My chin must love me :) i keep the house at 62 degrees in the winter and have central air in the summer, always dry in the house. My Ike is 12 years old now and still quite active, hasnt slowed down at all, which im thankfull for.
I turned down the AC last night and almost froze my buns off, but the chin's all seemed to love the colder temperature, so I figured I can always layer clothing! :) Between the AC, ceiling fan and the stand fan, I now have a meat locker in my living room, but it's a small price to pay to see my fur monsters happy.