chin sleeping

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
churro sleeps like layed out across the floor in the cage not on his feet in a ball like ive seen most other chins is this ok?

im trying to get a picture but he wakes up every time
Is he on his side? I do not understand what you are trying to say..

Some chins can sleep in some very odd positions - on their sides, on their backs, curled up with their feet sticking up in a ball...etc and it is okay. Just depends what makes them comfortable.

As long as he is eating, drinking, pooping normally and is not lethargic (tired all the time and not active) then he should be fine.
yeah he eats drinks and poos just fine and i struggle to keep in him the cage when its not play time he bolts right out but he just falls asleep anywhere like a little kid and just sprawls out. im trying to get a picture but my camera turning on makes a sound and wakes him up
Could he be too warm and trying to cool himself? Is the floor wooden or tiled so it would be cooler?
there is wood and a straw mat to sit on but my room is almost never over 70 degrees
Mine crash out sideways, front, back, side to side. I love it. ;)