Chin Recipes

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Was wondering if anyone who made their own snack for their chins might wanna share the recipe.
I know there are people on here who sell stuff and I dont want to take away from that, in fact I would still purchase from them. But I am just looking for some safe treats to add some variety. and jsust save a little money so I can spend it on decorating their new cage.
Before I started reading this forum I fed my two boys WAY too many "bad" snacks. So if anyone has any cookies or treat recipes that they could share that would be great! I am grateful for this group everyday!

i asked the same question to a fellow CnH member too, but the recipe is lost since the old server is down. But in my memories, he mentioned that to make the treat, just grind up your normal feed with a touch of water (just enough to bind), add some normal treat that you feed (like rose hip, rolled oats, legume hay...etc)and for a bit of flavor, you can add a touch of unsweetened apple sauce.Then shape it into cookie shapes (hearts, stars, or just regular rounds..just let your imagination run wild!) Then bake it with the lowest heat setting with your oven. The "baking" process is actually just drying out the "dough" into hard crackers. So, try not to burn it... =)
i found this recipe very useful, because the ingredients is just the stuff already existed, without buying any the new ingredients. Because it is made with the food your chin already eats, it wont create upset stomach.
Just a reminder, try to use only chin-safe treat when you add to the cookie, and try to keep the amount minimal, the pellet feed should be the main ingredient.
Have fun baking!!! Remember show me pic when you done!!
i'll try and make this for my chinnie's birthday too!
=) hope this helps!!
Thank you very much! I didnt even think of that. I did go back in the archives on this forum and saw a few good ideas. I know there are a lot of people who make them on here, so that is always an option when I am purchasing other items.
But I just wanted to try and make something "homemade"! And using their own food is a great idea! I did also read that using some organic blackstrap molasses is an option perhaps replacing the applesauce. I will try both this weekend.