Chin pushing my hand

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I noticed my chin started pushing, almost boxing with my fingers. I would open the cage door and she'd come over (observe my hand) then she 'd start pushing it multiple times. Does anyone else's chin does this?
Hmmm, sounds like "move your hand so I can go play" or "your hand is blocking my exit route". :laughitup:
Nitro pushes me away on occasion. He is usually very tolerant of being pet, scritched, or belly rubs but, every once in awhile he just isn't in the mood or has other things on his mind. Like treats or playtime. ;)
Haha, yeah, my chin does the same thing if I block his food dish, or he'll "bite" my fingers and pull them away from his dish...although I always get "mad" at him because it is always when I am refilling his food, so he needs to wait for me to finish anyways...
thanx sublime & cmor. really? so i guess it's not just my chin. I have another one, she's very friendly and has never done that before . but not this one. our choco bites, pushes my fingers & hand(quite hard), doesn't seem to wanna play :(
i also noticed sometimes she snorts & NEVER runs on her wheel?!
When my chins have had enough they push me away, I think it's adorable :)).

How long have you had her and what type of wheel do you have? Snorting I am not sure about. Don't think I have a snorter....
Rodya does that, it's HILARIOUS. When he wants to come out and I am trying to get into his cage he takes his little hands and tries to heave himself against me. Uh, sorry, little man, you may be fat, but you're not that heavy. Hahaha. Yeah I love when he does it, although it can get annoying after a while, lol.
haha yeah she's cute when she does it. oh she has metal flying saucer wheel. my other chin loves it but choco hates it. i've NEVER seen her run on it before. :(
haha yeah she's cute when she does it. oh she has metal flying saucer wheel. my other chin loves it but choco hates it. i've NEVER seen her run on it before. :(

I have had the saucer in both of my girls' cages and none of them really liked it either, they love their ChinSpins though. I kept the saucer and every once in a while I integrate it into a cage...Maybe you could trade with someone or sell it outright and use the money to buy a ChinSpin...
I think that that is one of their most endearing traits!!!

I always tell people who ask if they bite, that mine do everything they can to avoid doing it to me.

The first warning is holding up that little paw and looking away, like "talk to the hand". If that doesn't work, they will physically use their tiny paw or paws to push me away. If that fails they move. I have never been bitten except for test bites when they were brand new and getting to know me.