I am a new chin owner. I adopted my chins on Friday. They hadn't had hay in a while, one of them had a water bottle with algae in it and the other one just had a bowl of water in his cage. The bottoms on the cages were full of soiled newspaper. The bath house was left in the cage long enough to be full of poop that was stuck to the side. I gave them a little hay as soon as I picked it up from the store. As soon as I got them home I scrubbed both cages and threw the dirty water bottle away and gave them the new ones. The lady that I got them from said she had been feeding them rabbit pellets because they "are all the same". From what I have read, you can't change a chin's diet fast. What would be the best way to switch over to better food? They are about 4 years old. I don't know when the last time they took a dust bath was but they have little pieces of fur that is "shedding". Is this normal? Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks so much!