My chin Emma is not pooping as much as she usually is. She eats oxbow pellets and gets plenty of timothy hay and water. I have not seen a decrease in her eating, drinking, or activity level. I have been observing her for the past 2 weeks and she seems normal except that there is not a lot of poop like their usually is. This started after I rescued a new chinny and I have them side by side in 2 chinchilla mansions. Emma has had 2 new changes which is the new chinny and I moved her into the basement where it is a little bit cooler than the room she was in before but it seems like a perfect temp for a chin. Has anyone heard of this happening? Like I said, she's eating, drinking and has the same activity level. There is just not as many poops. I did notice a couple poops looked like they were bitten in half. Do they possibly eat their poop? I have been giving her papaya tablets recently and it seems like their may be a little more poop....but I'm not sure. I don't want to take her into the vet unless she needs to go obviously. I worry about her stress with car rides and the whole vet thing. What do you think?