Chin not pooping very much?

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My chin Emma is not pooping as much as she usually is. She eats oxbow pellets and gets plenty of timothy hay and water. I have not seen a decrease in her eating, drinking, or activity level. I have been observing her for the past 2 weeks and she seems normal except that there is not a lot of poop like their usually is. This started after I rescued a new chinny and I have them side by side in 2 chinchilla mansions. Emma has had 2 new changes which is the new chinny and I moved her into the basement where it is a little bit cooler than the room she was in before but it seems like a perfect temp for a chin. Has anyone heard of this happening? Like I said, she's eating, drinking and has the same activity level. There is just not as many poops. I did notice a couple poops looked like they were bitten in half. Do they possibly eat their poop? I have been giving her papaya tablets recently and it seems like their may be a little more poop....but I'm not sure. I don't want to take her into the vet unless she needs to go obviously. I worry about her stress with car rides and the whole vet thing. What do you think?
I always worry when a chin has a problem like this. The weird thing is that you haven't seen her eat less, normally less poopies means less eating pellets and hay. If she were here, I'd start her immediately on simethicone (phazyme is easiest for me because it's concentrated) and Life Line along with Reglan. You probably don't have the Reglan or the Life Line so you could start with the simethicone and call the vet to find out about the Reglan. is the place to order Life Line. Papaya definitely does help, but it can only do so much. The enzymes in it do help...but without something that helps with gut motility it can't get to where it needs to be (should there be a slow down in gut motility or a blockage.)

How many droppings are you getting out of her on a daily basis? Is it a few dozen?

She MAY need to go to the vet. It isn't so bad. Most of my chins just fall asleep in the car on the way to the vet. I pad the carrier and put in some fun toys and hay to make it a little easier on them. (I'm an hour from a good chinnie vet.)
Chin poo

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to take her bedding out tonight so I can see how much poop is coming out of her then I will reply back to see what y'all think.

Everything is ok!

I found lots of little poops in her bedding. I think maybe because there is a new chin next to her cage, so she was jumping around a lot more and the poop flew to the floor of her cage instead of resting on her ledges. The other chin poops more than her and that is why it also seemed like she was pooping less. I'm just a paranoid mama :wacko:

Thanks for your reply. At least I will know what to do if she ever does have poop problems. I found a vet that specializes in exotic animals like ferrets and chins. Thanks so much!
