His ears don't look very red or pink in the picture, but you can see them better in person. My chin pretty much always plops herself down on her side after I let her out. She goes back in her cage, pees, takes a drink, hops onto a comfy shelf and then lays down for a couple minutes. It's kind of funny that he lays down right next to the wheel. It's like he's thinking "Must...use...all...energy to run on wheel. So...much...fun...running!!"
If his ears get red or the veins on them are bulging then he is hot. Maybe stick a piece of granite or marble next to the wheel so he'll have somewhere cool to lay down on. Also, make sure it isn't too hot or humid in the room he's in. My chin also ran in her wheel a ton when she first got it. She doesn't run in it as much now, but still a bunch of times daily. He'll probably run on it less once he gets used to it.