Chin laying on her side

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Nov 9, 2010
My chin (Zoe) has been lying on her side a lot (but not in her house like normal). she will lay on her side on one of the inclines to another level (her cage is metal as well as the inside pieces). I do not know if this is something to be worried about? Or maybe she is just warm and the cool metal feels good to cool off? I am confused and would like to know if this is something I should be concerned with or not! Help!
What is the temperature in the room? Mine lay out more above 72 degrees. If the temperature is below that, it may just be comfortable laying that way.
I would be careful too and maybe take her to the vet. I read in several websites that this may be an indicator of pregnancy...I am sure other knowledgable ppl will chime in though...
Some chins just lay on their sides. I've had pregnant (as well as a ton of clearly non-pregnant) chins that just like to sleep on their sides. I do think some of of them do it because of a cooler surface... like even if the room isn't too hot, they'd prefer metal over wood or something like that, so they lay down. Some of mine will plop down anywhere though. Nothing to worry about in my opinion, unless there are other symptoms or problems going on. But just laying on the side? I think the chin will be fine.
My chins tend to lay on their sides when they are either a bit hot or really tired. If there isn't something else going on ; like soft poop, their ears are red, or they have been chewing on something they shouldn't (like plastic) it's probably just comfy :)
Whenever peanut runs around for a little extra time outside the cage she just plops on her side when she gets back in the cage, usually in the weirdest spots.
I would be careful too and maybe take her to the vet. I read in several websites that this may be an indicator of pregnancy...I am sure other knowledgable ppl will chime in though...

There's no need to take her to the vet. Unless she is also exhibiting signs of lethargy, anorexia, and poo production is off, she's probably just comfortable laying that way. May boys are laid out on their sides all the time. As long as the room is not too warm for her, she's probably just comfortable.
I thought my chin had died the first time I saw her lay on her side. She gave me a heart attack, lol! Since then, I have noticed her sleep that way from time to time, and I make sure to run and grab my camera.
My gal Blackie does this just to tick her cagemates off, she'll plop down right in the chin spin-and when another chin tries to jump on and shover her off, she's up and running as if she had been using the wheel the whole time-brat :)
Chichi only rested on her side when she was pregnant. I had no clue why she was doing it and I was really worried. A week or two later I had two kits!! LOL
I have many sleep on their sides. If that is the only "symptom" then there is really nothing to worry about